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Seriously get home quick

Okay but like why
You and Tay have been blowing
up my phone
I thought Shawn was a good friend
So why is him being back a big deal

It just is. It's not like we don't
like him anymore it's just what
happened last time he was around.

What happened exactly??

Well Cam got into a fight with
Shawn and then Shawn went and
slept with his girl at the time so
now Cam's freaking out that he's
back and of course we're all worried

Well you don't have to worry about
me. I personally never liked his
music that much. A couple songs
we're good but...
Tay's really the one who's gotta
worry. Brookey is obsessed with
him. She listens to him nonstop

Great. Don't tell Taylor or he'll
flip out

Wouldn't dream of it

So we good?

Of course we're good I just
said so
And I wouldn't lie to you
Why are you so worried if it
happened to Cam anyway?

Don't know really
Guess if it happened to him
then it could happen to any of

I just realized Cameron never
told me why he and that girl
broke up!

Cam's in troubleee

Oh shut up
Leaving the pier now

Cali Baby ~ Magcon InstagramOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora