~Chapter 1~

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  Byun Baekhyun lay on his bed. Today was the day. Baekhyun and his girlfriend Mia had been dating for half a year now. Baek was now trying to come up with ways to surprise her. So far he'd thought of getting Mia a bouquet of flowers and a cup of her favorite coffee.

"Agh- is this to simple? What if Mia thinks I'm trying to be cheap? But I guess the thought is what counts?!," is all what Baekhyun said to himself as he got off of his bed. Baekhyun walked into his closet
[its one of those walk
in closets cuz class ]

  He rummaged through the closet in search of something to wear. He chose two outfits. The first one being a simple red oversized sweater, black jeans, and a black barret. The second option was a plain old black suit. Mia was very hard to please.

  Mia was the daughter of one of the richest CEOs in South Korea. Baekhyun was also the son of a rich CEO. Mia and Baekhyun's parents had practically forced their son and daughter to date. Baekhyun however soon developed feelings for Mia.

  Mia always wanted the best. She always had the newest fashion items that were trending. Mia had zero feelings for Baekhyun but she was interested in his money. Baekhyun has wasted probably hundreds of thousands of dollars already on Mia.

  Whenever they would go out to eat, Baekhyun would always have to search for the most costly and fancy places in town. Mia always ordered the most expensive items and barely even touched her food when it was served.

  Now Baek had to chose which outfit to wear, he grabbed the suit and changed into it quickly. He fixed up his hair and walked out of his apartment on his way to his motorcycle.

~time skip ma bois~

  Baekhyun soon reached Mia's home. It was modern but small. He could see the lights turned on in her bedroom. Baekhyun smiled as he grabbed the bouquet of flowers and the cup of  Mia's favorite coffee.

Baekhyun checked himself in the mirror before walking over to the door. He was about to knock but he then noticed that the door was slightly open. Baekhyun smiled, his plan would go great because he could go surprise her more smoothly?

  As Baekhyun made his way in, he heard laughter. Baekhyun would've thought  it was Mia if the laughter didn't sound like the laugh of a guy. Baekhyun's heart immediately dropped, what if his surprise was ruined?

  Baek made his way upstairs slightly confused now that he had heard a males laughter. As he got closer to Mia's bedroom he could hear her laugh and also the male dudes voice.

  Mia's door was slightly open and Baekhyun could see Mia through the crack. Baek grinned as he opened the door. What Baek saw was enough to kill him right in that instant right there where he was.

  The laughter indeed did come from a guy, a shirtless guy who was in bed with Mia. Mia was not naked but wearing a bra and the bed covers were covering her from her waist down. Mia immediately gasped and the guy just sat there.

  Baekhyun dropped the bouquet of flowers and the coffee cup. Tears filled his eyes as he stared at her. "Baek- ugh I didn't know you were-" Baekhyun interrupted Mia halfway through her sentence by running back out.

  Baekhyun felt hurt, like a ant that had been repeatedly stepped on by a kindergartner. He rushed onto his motorcycle, forgetting to put on the helmet. Baekhyun backed out of the driveway and rushed down the street.

  He didn't know where he was going, he would just turn when he felt like it. Baekhyun was going at a quick speed. As we rushed through street after street, he turned right into a street he'd never seen before. The street was filled with cherry blossom trees on the sides. Baekhyun was mesmerized by the blossoms for some reason. 

  Baekhyun has stared at them for to long when he noticed that a truck was rushing towards him. Baek tried moving out of the way, but it was to late. The driver hit Baekhyun's motorcycle on the side (baek was like in a weird position because he had been trying to turn) and sent Baekhyun into the air.

He fell on the concrete floor, and everything went black.


Well shit, that's like my first chapter ever written. I'm terrible at writing but like I just really wanted to write out this fic. I'm sorry if it sucks? Hopefully the next chapter will be okay?!??

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