Chapter 2

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"I want to talk to you"

"Yeah sure"

Y'all went upstairs to your room and y'all talked.

"I just wanted to say I fell in love with you at first sight you are a beautiful girl"



"So did I,I just thought that you weren't going to like me cause I'm ugly"

"No you are not you are the opposite"

Harry leaned in to kiss you and you kissed back then your boyfriend came in and

"What are you doing here kissing him"

He slapped you and you started to cry harry said "leave her alone"

"No you leave and leave her alone"

"No I'm not leaving"

"Please leave I don't want for him to hurt you"

Harry left and your boyfriend started to punch you and got a knife and said "you are going to love me" he took you to the bed and well I guess y'all know what will happen.

Later harry came with the cops and your "boyfriend" stabbed you and harry in the hip. You and him lost blood. He left but didn't go far cause the cops got there on time. The rest of the lads got up there but y'all had already passed out cause y'all lost a lot of blood. You and harry woke up the next day in a hospital.

"Where am I" you said and Niall got up and said "your at the hospital" "what happened" "you and harry got stabbed by your boyfriend and lost a lot of blood" "where is harry" "he is next to you on a another bed" you look around and saw he

was still asleep. A few seconds later harry woke up. He said "hey bae"

"Hey" the doctor came in and said y'all will be able to leave today right now.

I'm sorry this is short but I'm busy I will right the next chapter tomorrow plz vote and like it would really help.

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