Your POV

I woke up to the sound if my alarm clock next to my boyfriend of 3 years, Dan Howell. Dan held onto my waist a little tighter and I giggled then said
"Dan you gotta let go I gotta go to work" "But baaaaaaaabe you're leaving to go to LA tomorrow morning and I need snugglesssss" he used as his excuse. "We can cuddle when I get home but if you don't let go of me I'll be fired."  I lied, Dan doesn't know I work with this record lable. He thinks I work at a store. "Okay but if you aren't back by 6 I'm cuddling Phil" he said jokingly. "Hahaha okay you do that, I'll be back by 5:30"

On Your Way To Work

As I was walking to work I stopped at a near by coffee shop to 1. Get coffee and 2. Get out of this stupid fake uniform. In my bag I brought a seperate set of clothing. I changed into a band shirt and some black jeans. I am really looking forward to go to LA for new missions and because I'll get to meet my best internet friend, Andy Biersack, and his band Black Veil Brides. I don't really know his wife... I think her name is Juliet. She seems pretty nice.

I soon reached the recording station. I had to record some of my new sings today with my band Another Emo Winter. We had to record three-five songs. The drummer's name is Casey Cooper (COOP3RDRUMM3R on YouTube) and he has been my best friend since we were 7. The guitarist's name is Ariel Bellvalaire, another YouTuber, she was my older brother Phil's girlfriend in high school. He said it's okay for me to be in the band with her because they broke up on good terms. The backup guitarist's name is Vinnie, we found him playing guitar at a show near a mall and we all grew to love him. That's basically it. Yes sometimes one of us plays a different instrument if needed but that's all.

After a few fun hours of recording you are now going home

On my way home I saw Phil running towards me.

"Phil what's wrong why are you running?" I asked him confused. "Just come with me I've got something to show you that you won't like" Phil said sadly and out of breath.

Me and Phil caught a ride from Vinnie who wasn't that far behind us.

"Thanks Vinnie, can you actually wait here or come in? Phil said there will be something inside I won't like so I might need someone to talk to afterwards" I said laughing and semi joking. "Uh yeah sure. I'll just stay here though incase it's personal." Vinnie said politely. "Thanks man" I said hugging him. "No problem" Vinnie said hugging back. We let go and I went inside with Phil.

I walked upstairs and opened the door to see nothing out if the ordinary until I went to my room. When I went into my room I saw Dan cuddling with Amanda. Amanda is my old grade school, middle school, and high school bully. Dan knew how much I hated her yet he still goes and does this. Then the worst part of all... they kissed.

"D-d-dan?" I managed to squeak out. "Oh my god!! Y/n! It's not what it looks like" Dan said standing up. "Oh come on Dan you and I both know you have been cheating on her for the past year with me. I'm prettier than her anyway." Amanda said in other annoying ass voice. At this point I was in tears. "Amanda shut the hell up we don't need you in this damn conversation" Dan said angrily. "Dan stop acting like you care about me! It's obvious that you don't and never did! I fucking hate you" I yelled mumbling the last part. Dan then was also in tears. "Amanda I think you should leave" Dan said quietly. "Fine whatever, make you're whore of a girlfriend feel better about her ugly self" (to whoever is reading this you are not ugly you beautiful potato when I write x readers I read them in my own perspective). "Dan ho-w could you?" I asked him quietly as Amanda left. Dan came over and tried to hug me but I pushed him away. "No Dan I fucking said how could you?" I said a little louder. "Cus you're never home and I need some kind of loving." He said as his only excuse. "Dan I'm home all the fucking time you're just always on your phone or making videos with Phil you lying slut!!" I yelled at him. "Oh I'm the slut?? You're the real slut here! Talking to all those men from bands all the time. What's their names? Andy? CC? Jake? and more!" Dan yelled. "Fuck you Dan. Are you really stupid enough to believe that I'm cheating on you with all of them!?! They are all my friends and most of them have wives or girlfriends who aren't lying scumbags like you!" Dan was speechless. "Fuck you Dan. I'm leaving." I told him. "But don't you have to leave tomorrow morning?" Dan asked me. "I'll just stay with Vinnie, he's already out front." I told him while I was paying up my stuff. I packed my clothes, my toiletries, my CD's, my two pars of shoes, my bag, my makeup, my piercings, my chargers and my laptop as I already had my phone in my pocket. "You're staying with another man after we just broke up?!?" Dan yelled. "Yeah it obviously didn't matter that you were staying with another woman while we were together so why should me staying with my friend latter to you at all?" I said leaving his room. "Hey Phil where are you!?" I yelled. "I'm in the kitchen!" he yelled back. I went to the kitchen and saw Phil there frowning when he saw my bags. "Bye Ph-il" I said my voice cracking in the middle of "Phil" I dropped my bags and immediately ran over to hug him. I sobbed into his shirt for a minute and he rubbed my back soothingly as Dan stood in the living room just staring. "Bye Phil" I said once again walking out the door and not looking back.

I ran down the stairs and over to Vinnie's car with my bags in hand.

"Hey what happened?" Vinnie asked worried. "D-d-dan cheated on m-me with my old school bully" I said sobbing. I opened the car door and got in after putting my bags in the backseat. "Oh come here" Vinnie said pulling me into a hug. I cried into his chest for a good minute before we decided to leave. We drove to his apartment in silence.

Author's Note
I only took a day to write this so that's cool. It's the fastest I have ever written a chapter of over 1000 words. I hope whomever is reading this enjoyed and have a good day ig

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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