Chapter 4: Morgan

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They were luckily able to grab Thor before he left for Asgard, and soon they were all in the tactical room planning. Nick Fury strode through the door and Hecate glared at him, eyes turning red. "Why is he here?"

Steve wrapped his arms around Hecate's waist, both trying to comfort her and making sure that she didn't attempt to murder a high ranking SHIELD agent and end up a fugitive. "I'm here because you got your memories and your magic back and there's already a threat coming your way."

Hecate narrowed her eyes, eyes turning a shade lighter but remaining red. "Don't pretend like you care, I know you Fury." He took another step and Hecate took her sword out of the magic vault she'd stashed it in and placed it on the table casually.

Fury stood his ground and merely asked "what would Phil say?" Hecate was behind him in a flash, blade leveled at his throat. "I may be merciful due to my time as a human, but do not think for a moment that I will hesitate to spill your blood."

Fury calmly said "and the real Hecate comes out to play. A merciless god who will not hesitate to slit your throat." The Avengers were silent for a long moment and then Clint said "you're the one who decided to cage a child with a glowing hell-cube you knew nothing about and lie to her about it. I'd be surprised if she didn't try to kill you."

Hecate lowered her blade and said "I see into your mind, Director. I know your intentions just as surely as I know about the bug in your pocket." She dug into the pocket of his trench coat and lifted out a little round disk.

She tossed it to Tony who examined it and laughed, setting it down on the table. "Really Fury? A bug? Why didn't you just ask a question like a normal functioning human being?" Fury carefully said "I didn't think you'd answer honestly."

Hecate stepped back, considering him with ambiguous grey eyes. "He's telling the truth." "I didn't spearhead your connectivity with the cube, Hecate, but it was necessary. You're too powerful for this world."

Hecate laughed and said "go home, Nick." He shook his head and was about to speak again, but Hecate snapped and he disappeared. Steve said "what'd you do?" Hecate smiled "I just sent him home, no worries. I hate the man but never actually pick a fight with the guy who can answer the question 'you and what army.'"

They all smiled and Hecate said "the only problem is we still have no idea how Zeus broke his curse. I didn't make a counter spell so that he couldn't break it." Tony said "well, magic is just complex science. He could have just figured out how you cast the spell and reversed it."

Natasha asked "how did you cast the spell? Energy magic?" Hecate blushed and said "back in those days I was a lot more 'fire and brimstone' kind of goddess. I bound it to something I knew he'd never give up: his powers as a god."

She lifted her hand to show the runes she'd bound it with. "He viewed being King of the Gods and his powers as something that made him superior, so I made it something that he would most certainly never give up." Tony said "so if he gave up his power, then he could be free."

Hecate nodded "and if he gave up his power then he wouldn't have the power to fight me and would have to live as a human. The ultimate revenge for someone that considered himself to be so high above humanity."

Tony said "but once he broke the curse wasn't it... broken? He could assume his powers again." Hecate shook her head. "Not unless he put his power into something to store it and absorbed it again, like I did with my sword. It would have to be something he had an intense connection with, like I did with my sword."

Clint "you had an intense connection with an inanimate weapon?" Hecate nodded "that blade was my only companion through the war. Armor tore, and spells have no real physicality, but that sword kept me as close to human as a goddess can be."

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