chapter 1

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The first day of 8th grade was finally here. I was so excited but one thing that was bad like really bad. I couldn't find my class schedule! The only thing that I remembered from my schedule was that I had a stupid class called Read180 2nd period and I had Band 3rd. I was in a full on panic. I hurried to get dressed and I brushed my hair I did what you would normally do to get ready for another school day but living with 6 kids has a lot of trouble written all over it. 

After I got ready I had to wake up my sister and my youngest brother. When my sister woke up this is her exact words when the lights turn on, "Aw that sucks!" when my younger sister said that  the oldest kid in the family (my older sister) walked and help my younger sister to get ready and to pick out her new back to school outfit (even though she was 11) after that I ran to wake up my little brother to get in the shower but he was already up and out of the shower so by then i was ready to go to school and I was about to be late and I don't really like to be the kid who likes to be late to anything. When I got  to school I went straight to the the councilor's office to get a new schedule. When I went to the cafeteria to meet my friends.

when I entered the cafeteria I knew that this was the day I've waited for since 6th grade. Sitting in the pit was every 6th grader's dream. So I was pretty excited to sit in the pit and see my friends!

thanks for reading I hope you like my story this is my first one. I hope you will continue to read. there's going to be a lot of drama and maybe some sappy stuff. read and find out the secrets I might unfold (maybe)

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