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So, here's what I've got so far. c:

**Slightly edited.**


Jamie's POV.

You know the stupid and all time famous 'Louis Tomlinson'? You don't? How do you not know him? He's in this bubble gum pop boyband called One Direction. I really do not like him. He's just a rude asshole. 

I have ever since before he auditioned for the xfactor. I'm not upset that he got famous for singing. I'm proud of him in some ways, but I still hate him. I'm not going to put down his dreams because I don't like him. It's his life, and he can do what he wants with it. 

Why don't you like him, you ask? Well... Here's why. 


I was awoken from my dreamless sleep from my phone loudly vibirating on my dresser beside me. What the fuck? I glance at the clock and notice it's only 10 AM. I check the caller ID and noticed it's Louis. 

"Hello?" I answer the phone groggily. 

"Jamie?" I hear my boyfriend ask. 

"Yeah?" I answer. 

"Um.. We.. Wanna have a picnic at the park?" He asks. Is he nervous?

"Uhh, Yeah, sure." I answer getting out of bed. 

"Okay. I'll come and pick you up in ten, then?" 

"Alright. I'll talk to you in a bit, love you." 

"Love you too." He had mumbled. "Bye." He answers before hanging up. 

I pull out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt out of my dresser and put them on before walking into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

Once I finish brushing my teeth there's a knock on my front door. I jog down to the door and open it to reveal a nervous looking Louis. 

"Hey, Lou." I smile. He weakly smiles in response. 

"Hey, love." He holds out his hand for me to take. I take it and let's him lead me to his car after closing the door. I get into the car and pull the door closed behind me. He gets in the drivers seat and smiles lightly at me before starting the car. 

"How're you?" I ask him once he begins driving. 


"Are... Are you sure?" I shyly ask, trying not to start anything. He glances at me. 



It goes silent, like an awkward and tense silence. 

"We're here." Louis mutters, breaking the silence, as he pulls in the park's parking lot. 

"Alright." I pull myself out of the car and close the door soon after getting out. 

"Come on." Louis tells me as he begins to walk torwards the woods by the park. 

"Alrighty then..?" I mumble following him. 

After a a few minutes of walking in the woods we had come to a clearing. 

"Whoa... This is really-" I had started but Louis interrupted me. 

"Pretty. I know." He states, annoyed. Well. What crawled up his ass and died?

"What's with your attitude?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow. 

"What attitude?" He dumbly states. 'What attitude?' My ass.

"The attitude you just had, when you interupted me." I tell him. 

He just sits down and opens the picnic basket and puts down the blanket before sitting on it and beginning to dig in the food. I sit down on the blanket as well and grab the samwich he hands me. 

"What did I do to upset you?" I ask, confused with his attitude change. 

"Nothing." He says and then mumbles something I can't hear. 

"Hmm?" I ask. 

"I said, nothing." He repeats. I roll my eyes. 

"I know that. I ment after that." I snap. 

"Well. I didn't say anything after that so, be quiet." Louis mutters. 

"You're acting like a child." I growl. 


"Whatever." I mutter, rolling my eyes. "What's crawled up your ass and died?" 


"Me? The last time I checked I'm not up your ass." I snort. 

"You were." 

"When?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed.

"The last time I went to a party you didn't let me out of your grip. You were clinging on me like you didn't trust me alone." 

"I did-" 

"Why were you hanging on me then?" 

"Because I was scared someone else would do something to take you away, and-" 

"So, you don't trust me alone." Louis mutters, chuckling humorless to himself.

"I didn't say that. I said that I was scared that SOMEONE ELSE would try to take you away." I repeat slower, almost yelling. 

"If you really trusted me. You would've known that I wouldn't have left you." 

"Well. Sorry. I didn't mean to be clingy. Next time just tell me and I'll stop. It's not hard." I mutter. 

"There won't be a next time." 

"What do you mean there won't be a next time?" I ask, my eyes wide. 

"I'm auditioning for Xfactor." He tells me. 

"Oh? Does that mean that we're breaking up, then?" 

"Thanks for taking the words out of my mouth." He smiles. 

"You don't think a long distance relationship would work?" 


I begin to tear up slightly, about to cry.

"Oh.. W..why?" 

"Because I don't love you. I- I never did." Louis tells me before just standing up and leaving. 

Ever since that happened, I had lost any love I had towards him, or so I thought.

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