The Beginning of Tragedy

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Snow, pristine and white, chilled the library windows and the breath that stirred from other nearby students fogged in the air despite the warmth that glowed from the lamps. The weekend, at last, had arrived after a long and wearisome week of homework and classes. The weight of everything nearly smothering Sinan.

The girl sat at a table with sky-high books and parchment piled about her as she did her homework for her advanced potions class. Her quill flickered furiously as she worked. Going unnoticed as the hours grew and the night's loom took over, her brows furrowed and creased as she continued. Only the ticking of a grandfather clock could be heard.

"Ms.Heron, what are you doing so late in the library? You'll be late for dinner." Madam Pince chided the girl, suspicious.

Sinan's bronze eyes stared at the short lady. "Dinner?"

"Yes, now run along. I'm sure the rest of your work can wait." Madam Pince shoved her out of the library as Sinan gathered her things, stashing them in her niffler bag. Her face scrunched and soon mumbled some distasteful words to no one in particular as she hurried toward the great hall.

She walked in, her black and green robes billowing behind her. A shout of her name catches her attention, she turns to find her friends, Alestria and Daemion.

"Oh, so I have friends?" Sinan demurred with feigned nonchalance, a grin quirked her lips teasingly when a scowl wrenches Alestria's lovely face.

"Come, you know we are only your friends because you're smart." Daemion chuckled encouragingly as he rested an arm on Alestria's shoulders. He gets shrugged off, but she cracks a grin at Daemion and Sinan's skit.

"Where were you, the library?" Daemion asked, his blue eyes gleaming beneath the black curls that flopped aimlessly, sticking in every direction.

Sinan poked her tongue out at him. He gasped indignantly with a hand slapped to his chest. The snake emblem barely covered by his spanned fingers.

"No wonder this girl is single!" he continued dramatically.

"Shhhhhh! Professor Snape just glared at us. You're going to get us detention." Alestria hissed quietly as she eyed the greasy haired professor carefully. Daemion snorted but Sinan straightened, her dark eyes shimmering in the light when glancing at the potions master. Their eyes met before she snapped her attention to her plate of food, her cheeks crimson. Her friends didn't notice her sudden sober behavior.

Sinan's friends talked and ate, their conversations wild and animated as usual, but she twirled her fork in the vegetables on her plate, her mind elsewhere.

"Sinan," she started at the sound of her name. "why are you not eating?" she turned to Alestria, whose brows were knitted.

"Not hungry," Sinan said simply before her eyes flickered to the dark robbed man at the staffs' table, her heart heaved softly.

From across the table, Daemion looked at Sinan just in time to see where her eyes had lingered, he quirked a brow as he lowered his head. A wide grin cuts a line in his handsome face. But it began to falter.

Oh, Sinan. What a mess that will be. Daemion thought to himself, his head shaking sadly. What a terrible and tragic mess.

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