Chapter 1

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Dan was used to his everyday routine for the past 4 years of living alone in his own flat on the beach.
He would get up at 7 am everyday, shower for 15 minutes, relax on his phone afterwards, then eat breakfast at 7:30 am by 8 am he was done and had nothing else to do for the rest of the day. He had no friends and had no desire to go outside and try to make some. He wanted to sleep in sometimes, or go out for a walk, or do something he's never done before, but Dan Howell was afraid of change. So he's never done anything else in his life other than his daily routine. His childhood was never the greatest either, his dad left before Dan was born and his mother was an achoholic for most of his life. So he had to raise himself for the most part, he dropped out of high school and moved into his own flat by the age of 15, he never talked to anyone, just kept to himself.
Something in Dan clicked after staying in his thoughts for a short second, thinking about his life. Dan had jumped up and grabbed his coat since he knew the weather outside was chilly and grabbed 10 dollars and walked out the door. He locked and shut the door before turning around, he had paused to admire the environment. The cold breeze that drifted by his face, the birds chirping.
Even though he never goes anywhere Dan knew where everything was so he immediately started walking to the closest little coffee shop, he wanted to avoid as much human interaction as possible. Dan hasn't talked in almost a year, so while he was on his way he practiced how he was going to say it.
"H-hi," his voice began with a voice crack. I'm not going through puberty I don't need the voice cracks. "Could I have a medium hot coffee with 2 sugar and 3 cream?" That was better he sounded confident when he said it when in reality he was extremely nervous.
When he had arrived he walked in expecting 2 to 3 people, his eyes widened. The place was filled, around 30 people in such a small place. He shook it off and slowly but surely made it up to the counter where he froze. A recognizable face stood behind the counter yet he had no idea who the tall male was. The others mouth seemed to move and the only thing Dan had heard was his own name.


I haven't written in one fat minute, so hopefully this somewhat makes sense?? Anyways hope you enjoy. :)

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