Getting help!

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Jack went to the pet shop.

Milly: Jack! Is Rap Monster back?

Jack: Yeah....she's back....I got some news...

Milly: Oh?

Jack: Met me at the park.....someone is gonna be with me....

Milly nodded.

Jack waited at the park for Milly.

Milly: Jack I'm here!

She stopped walking when she saw Jackson.

Milly: Jackson! From Got7!!!

Jack looked at her.

Jack: It's a long story. Let's go somewhere quiet.

Milly nodded.

Milly: Ehhh??? You're saying that those Foxes are BTS????

Jack: Yes...and they need our help...

Milly: Alright....what should I do?

Jack: First....I need you and Jack to look around town for a Magic Shop....I will ask RM for the name of it!

Jackson and Milly nodded.

Jack: Second....we need someway to get Magic Max to turn them back into humans....

Jackson: Didn't Rap Monster say they needed to be shown a little kindness...

Jack: she was lying...

Milly: How do you know?

Jack: I was showing them a lot of Kindness....but they haven't turned back....

Jackson: Jack's right.....

Milly: What do you think she's not telling us.

Jack was quiet.

Jack: I don't know but....I'm not gonna ask her....she seems to stress out already...

Jackson: when do we start?

Jack: Right now!

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