Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I growled at Vincent's Wolf as we circled each other. "Get out of here Vincent!" I hissed, "You're just a trouble maker and a monster."
"Monster?" Vincent said sounding hurt. He paused and stalked towards me. "How am I the monster? How could I ever be the monster? You're the monster, Astrid. You are," Vincent told me.
"You've killed innocent people!" I shouted.
"And you haven't?" Vincent retorted.
"What?" I asked. Vincent looked at the ground before me, the turned around and started walking away. "It looks someone is learning from me," Vincent called. I looked at the ground and stepped back, tripping over my paws. I fell to the ground, my eyes widened. I scooted back and screamed. A baby was in front of me... dead. I frantically looked around and paused when I saw a mirror. I approached it hesitantly, seeing my reflection, a blonde wolf. My purple eyes sparkled. Suddenly, a sound like an animal of some kind running through the grass ran through my ears. My golden fur was changing, shifting. I saw it morph my whole blonde color into another. I looked back into the mirror. My purple eyes were the same, but not my coat. In it's place was brown. I gave out shaky breaths as I backed away and screamed.

I jolted up and looked around. I was still in the car. Harley was still up front, driving away. She looked into the rear view mirror and turned down the music which had some guitar solo playing. "Have nice dreams?" Harley asked. I rubbed my eyes. "Where are we?" I asked.
"Well, we just passed through Kansas, you slept through the ride going through Nebraska. I saw corn fields but there was excitement too. I stopped at the Kool-Aid museum too," Harley rambled.
"You left me in the car while you went to a museum?" I asked.
"There's tinted windows so it's not like anyone could see you," Harley told me.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Dallas, Texas. Marla lives there," Harley answered.
"Texas?! I need to get back to South Dakota! Jacob he'll-"
"He'll be fine. Nothing a strip club can't fix," Harley assured me.

"Stop the car," I ordered. Harley glanced back at me. "Stop the car," I repeated.
"If you really think that you can order me around with your 'she alpha ways' you can't," Harley told me.
"I'm serious, Harley," I warned.
"Ooh, so scary," Harley replied. I leaped forward and grabbed the wheel. We started tugging on it at different directions. "MOVE!" Harley shouted. She pushed me aside and my side hit a seat. She steered the car to a gas station then glared at me, a growl came from her chest. "Get. Back. In. Your. Spot," she snarled. Somehow it didn't effect me. "Let me call Jacob to tell him I'm okay," I replied.
"We don't have time for pit stops," Harley told me.
"Funny, because we're at a gas station," I said.
"You better learn your place, Astrid," Harley replied.
"I'm an Alpha. I know my place, but apparently you don't know yours, Rogue," I hissed. I never thought being a Rogue was a bad thing but it gets it people sometimes so I used it. "Who turned the dumpster over on your brand spanking new Tiffany necklace, Alpha?" Harley asked.
"Oh, I don't wear Tiffany," I stated.
"No, you wear Chanel No. 5 bullets in your chest!" Harley replied.

I looked down at my shoulder. The blood on my shirt was now a brown color. The wound had healed, although I could still feel the bullet well into my skin. "I didn't ask to be here, Harley," I said.
"And I didn't ask for you to be here, although it's the only way I will get rid of my dreams. I'm also pretty positive that you don't want your nightmares," Harley told me.
"How could we be linked?" I asked.
"How should I know? You can take that up with Marla," Harley said.
"But I don't want to see Marla! I don't want to know her, I want nothing to do with her! What I want is to go home, apologize to my mate and protect my pack the way an alpha should," I explained. Harley turned away so she was looking out the front window. "Mates are for chums," she mumbled.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing. We'll stop at a hotel," Harley stated. She started the car up again and pulled out of the gas station.

Somehow all I could think about in that moment was what the security cameras caught. Just some girls arguing in a Jeep I suppose.


I kicked my foot against a table and watched it fly across the room, crumbling into pieces by the wall. I was such an idiot. Why on earth should I get mad at her about some stupid silly thing? She was going through pain about the miscarriage and just wanted to have fun. How much of an idiot could I be? I was an ass. Yep, if I could be any animal if an afterlife exists, I would be an ass. No offense to any asses out there, as in the animal....

"Jacob, calm down. She'll be okay. You just need to relax and-" Mia started.
"Relax? My mate and the love of my life is missing. She's been missing for a day! No one can get in contact with her mind link, her cell is laying upstairs, and all you tell me to do is RELAX?!" I shouted. She backed away and Austin stepped in front of her. I felt like ripping my hair out. I slammed my hands against the glass wall in the meeting room making it give out and show cracks. "Jacob, what would Astrid want you to do?" Austin asked.
"I don't know, Austin, she's missing and I can't ask her," I hissed.

"Jacob!" someone called running down the hallway. I looked up and stepped out of the doorway. "What is it, Nathan?" I asked. He came to my side and I felt Austin and Mia's presence behind me. He handed me a bracelet. It was black made of leather but had a white shinny pearl on one side. "What is this?" I asked.
"A bracelet," Nathan answered. I clenched my jaw. "Nathan, I'm not blind. What is this damn thing?" I growled.
"Oh, right," Nathan said, "We found it on the porch by a bush. The scent isn't familiar."
"A Rogue perhaps?" Mia suggested.
"That's impossible. Rogues can't get into our land, our guards-" Austin started.
"Get all the guards here now. And get new ones to go guard the lands," I ordered. Nathan nodded before running down the hallway again.

"Mia, I want this tested for DNA," I snapped turning around. Mia nodded. I handed her the bracelet and she scurried down the hallway. "Alpha, why do you want the guards?" Austin asked.
"Because someone let the Rogue in. The Rogue took Astrid. Astrid would never just run away like this. And when I find them, I'll dig their grave for them," I said. I looked out the window and up at the moon. "I will find you, Astrid," I whispered.

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