Chapter Two

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Author's Note: Second chapter! Yay! Btw, I changed some flashback bits. 14/06/14 - 15/06/14

"Hi, (Y/N)! What can I get you?" Mira-chan asked cheerfully.
"Just water please, Mira-chan," I replied, smiling.
"Sure!" she said, then started pouring water into a glass cup. 
She handed the cup to me. "Thanks Mira!" I said. She nodded and continued wiping and drying other glass cups.

As I was drinking, I watched the fight. 'Too bad I can't fight,' I thought, 'everybody would've been passed out by now.'
Then, I saw Natsu and Gray glaring at each other. 'Oh crap!' I screamed in my head, 'I should go hide!' I jumped over the bar door and ducked - but my head sticking out a bit, so I could still see. 

"Ice Make...!"
"Fire Dragon...!"
I covered my ears and watched as Natsu did a 'Fire Dragon Iron Fist' and as Gray did an 'Ice-Make: Fist'. The fire and ice collided, table and chairs flew everywhere and smoke covered my view. I started coughing because my ribs, bones and lungs were still recovering from the monster that landed on me.

-Flashback (3 days ago)-

"Hey, Erza, what mission are we gonna do today?" I asked happily.
"This one," she replied, handing me the paper. 
I took it and read it aloud. "Blah, blah, blah...take down monsters... blah, blah, blah...600,000 jewels!?!"
Natsu snatched the paper off me. "Whoa! Think about all the food we could buy!!" he screamed. 
"Aye!" Happy cheered.
Lu-chan facepalmed, "We gotta split it you baka's!"
"And that would be...?" Natsu questioned.
 Lu-chan facepalmed again, "100,000 each! For you, Happy, (Y/N), Gray, Erza and I!"
"I knew that!" Natsu yelled.
Gray chuckled. "Sure you did, Fire Freak." he said sarcastically
"What was that, Ice Striper?!"
They head-butted each other and you could practically see the tension between them. I giggled at how silly they looked. Erza turned around to face Natsu and Gray. They acted like best friends when she was facing them. I started coughing and crying from laughing too much.
"Let's all meet up at the train station later. You have 1 hour to pack your bags," Erza instructed.
"Hai!" we all said.

Lucy and I rushed to her apartment that she shared with me. I ran to my room and pulled out my (F/C) suitcase from my medium sized wardrobe. I started packing black tights, black skirt, blue denim knee-length jeans, blue denim shorts, (colour) tank top, (colour) t-shirt, undergarments and (colour) (design) pajamas - just in case my clothes get dirty or we stay out of town for more than a day. I glanced up at the clock, there's enough time to take a quick bath. I grabbed undergarments, black skater skirt, black mini shorts and (colour) tank top. "Lucy, I'm just gonna take a quick bath!" I yelled from the front of the bathroom.
"Alright," she replied, "just hurry because I'm gonna take a bath too!"
I placed/hung my clothes on a table/hanger. I started up the warm bath. After a few minutes, it was full. I undressed and stepped in.

After my bath, I got dressed. I picked up my dirty clothing and placed them in my dirty clothing hamper/basket inside my room. Lu-chan took a bath after me. As she was doing that, I decided to cook/make some (sandwiches/ramen/noodles/food easy to make/ect). I made extra to pack on the trip and to share with the others - especially Natsu. I packed triple of what everybody else had for Natsu, I know how he gets when he's hungry. He's my best friend and what best friend would I be if I let him starve? Lucy came out after I finished packing and washing the dishes. I went to my room and grabbed my suitcase. "Ready to go Lu-chan?" I asked standing by the front door.
"Hai!" She replied, "Just let me get my bag/suitcase."
She got her bag /suitcase and we headed for Magnolia Station.

-At Magnolia Station-

I sighed seeing Erza's huge stack of suitcases. 'She always brings a huge pack,' I thought in my head. As we were waiting, I served some (food you packed). Soon, the train arrived and we boarded it. I sat down on the window seat, Gray sat across from me, Erza sat next to him and Lucy sat next to Erza. The train started to move. "Hey," I questioned, "where's Natsu?" They all looked around. Then suddenly- as if on time - Natsu was tumbling and wobbling around the place. He looked really sick. "Riiggghhhtt," I said, "Natsu has motion sickness." The train stopped for a while. Natsu quickly sat down next to me and laid his head on my lap - like usual. "Natsu, the train hasn't even started," I said.
"Yeah, I know, but your lap is comfy," he said, nuzzling my lap. 
My face heated up. "Errmm....thanks?" I said, still blushing.
I looked around and made eye contact with Lucy. 'You're blushing,' she mouthed to me. I pretended that I couldn't understand her and did a confused face. She mouthed the words again. I shrugged my shoulders and looked towards the window. My blush was slowly fading. 'What if I do  like him?' I questioned myself. I shook my head, 'No, (Y/N)! He's your best friend. You can't like your best friend!...or can you...?'
My thoughts were interrupted by soft snoring. The sound was coming from below me. I looked down. Natsu was sound asleep, resting his head on my lap. I smiled and softly poked his cheek. He smiled a little too. I then started to gently run my fingers through his silky, pink hair that always stuck up without any gel, spray or hair thing. He grabbed my wrist and nuzzled his cheek against my palm. After 1-3 hours, the train stopped. Natsu shot up from my lap and cheered.

We exited the train and went to find the person who sent out the mission. He told us that monsters were attacking his crops and his family. After he explained the stuff, we set off to find the monsters.

-Timeskip to last monster-

All the monsters were taken down and only one was left. Erza requipped, Natsu did a Dragon Slayer move, Gray did an Ice-Make move and Lucy summoned Taurus - the pervy bull. I did an Elemental Dragon Slayer move. As I was fighting, pervy bull kept eyeing me, giving me comments and telling me failed, cheesy pick up lines. Natsu looked really irritated and something else. Lucy looked really pissed off because Taurus wasn't doing his job. Gray, Erza and Happy didn't even notice.

I did an Elemental Dragon Slayer: Wind Roar. Bad idea. The roar backfired and hit me. I fell backwards and landed on my back. Natsu probably didn't see me and did a Fire Dragon Slayer: Roar. The monster lost balance and fell on me. It crushed some bones, but mostly my ribs and lungs. I was trapped between a monster and hard stone. I used up most of my energy to battle the monster so there was nothing I could do but wait for someone to save me. I heard voices shouting and some weight be lifted off my body. Then I lost consciousness.

-End Flashback-

As I was zoned out, I didn't see a chair coming towards me. My eyes widened. In the blink of an eye, I was pinned against the wall by the legs of a wooden chair. It was really hard for me to breathe. "He-Help..." I whispered to anyone that could hear. Smoke was everywhere and I couldn't see a thing. I started to loose consciousness but I tried to fight it. I ended up losing.

*baka - stupid or idiot. Japanese word.

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