8 - {An Unexpected Surprise}

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Theo's eyes turned to their new color again, rolling his eyes. "You are something, aren't you kid?" He flicked my forehead and disappeared into thin air for a moment. I whipped around and he sent me flying up a tree, making me float right above a branch while he sat in front of me on the opposite branch. His clothes were no longer Theo's, and neither was his hair. He wore a black suit with a cross necklace around his neck, and Theo's brown hair was replaced with plenty of blond strands covering his head.

"Who the hell are you?" I glared at him, taking small breaths to calm myself down from attacking and probably getting myself killed in the process.

"Your little brother's guardian. Orsaraoh is the name and following most orders is my game," he laughed again, which was starting to hurt my ears from annoyance. "Listen, he trusts you with his life, for whatever reason. So I won't hurt you."

"If you're Theo's guardian, does that mean I have one too?"

"I don't know. I couldn't care less who watches over your pathetic body. But for the sake of your wellbeing, and until we are aware of the bitch watching you, I have to step in and save both of your asses. Just means more work for the fallen angel," Orsaraoh groaned, rubbing his temples.

I watched him and glanced around as much as I could while floating in the air, due to him making me sit still until he allowed me to move freely. "What- What is a fallen angel?"

He raised an eyebrow at me, followed by another chuckle. "For Satan's sake, you are one odd kid," he put one leg over the other. "Fallen angels are angels cast out of heaven and not accepted by hell, since they rebelled. Lucky for you, I'm half-angel half-demon. Before you go asking, 'oh great guardian of my baby brother, why are you helping us if you are a demonic being dropped by your daddy in heaven or hell?'.... I'm doing it for my own reasons. And not because I like you, Theo, or the tall asshole."

The fallen angel unfroze me without warning, and I held tight to the branch he dropped me on, careful not to accidentally fall off, backwards or forwards. I didn't trust him, not because he was taking over my brother's body, but I was getting bad vibes from the guy. Kid? "How old are you? A-And how do you know Chance?"

"Somewhere in my 3000's," he replied. "As for the tall one, I assume he never told you about his 'sweet, sweet' heaven life, hm?"

I shook my head.

"You're precious," Orsaraoh pinched my cheek and flicked my forehead once again. Thankfully, I was lucky not to fall backwards from trying to avoid the head flick. "If he didn't tell you, it makes sense you're surprised."

"What do you mean?"

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