Chapter 6 HOME Again ..... x

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Annie's POV

Wow i felt amazing i cant believe he just kissed me aaaahh

the amazing cute new guy

doesn't he know how many people hate me

does he not see that i am a trouble maker

could he be blind

he is just ruining his image

he willl leave me in the ed

does he really love me as much as he says

im in my first relationship finally yay

I did a happy dance

Moments later i went inside and only to face well ..... this ... x

All my family said in unison "Annie we just SAW that " oh flip what am i going to do now they just saw it there going to embarrass me to death right? i blushed like mad

"Umm he's the new boy he just started today and he is just my friend " i began

"Well friends do what you just did now don't they i do that to mine all the time" my big brother said sarcastically

"what are you talking about " i tried but completely failed

just tell her the truth kids" my auntie gave up

"Fine we were all watching you through separate windows secretly because we had a fear that you would bring that crazy girl Maddy home again and NO ONE wants to experience that again after last time ,but instead we saw something way better" she shouted

" Mum Maddy is not that bad i mean it was only an accident im sure she didn't mean it mum" i burst out

Well come to think of it she did break the door bell and almost the door, then she went in my bedroom and broke the light switch, after that she went in the bathroom and left the tap running causing the bathroom to flood and finally on the way out she tripped over the power box and caused a power cut!....

i wonder what her house looks like i know how about i call her and ask her if i can come over then i can tell her about Aiden.

I liked the idea so i said in my sweetest voice " mother please may i go to Maddys house to visit her for a while she needs my help on a project"

"YAY" my twin sisters screamed

wow nice supportive family right? .. NOT! i thought

i did not realize my brother left until he came back with a suitcase with all my belongings in it ... what?!?!

" why are you bringing all my stuff down freak" i teased

" oh, your moving in right, i even did your packing" he gently said

everyone BUT ME began to laugh and cheer

I gave him the death stare

" Overnight is what i mean" he whispered evil right?

"chill i don't mean to cut time out of your without me parties but i don't even know where she lives and i have not even asked her yet" i chocked out

"then what are you waiting for get to your room and call her your suitcase with be downstairs with us until you do and i will even make you a pack lunch that you can put in there" my auntie said

"Fine" i muttered


I picked up my cell phone and began to scroll down the contacts ...

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