The Begenning

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Lyra ran through the street, getting soaked by the rain. The shadows were back. Every single time she thought she had found a good home, they appeared. Then things went wrong. Terribly wrong. Like, getting stepped on by an elephant wrong.

Lyra ran to her tree. It was one of the nicer homes she had had over the years, If you could call an old hollow tree home. She grabbed her backpack, which had all her belongings in it. Lyra whistled to her best friend, Poppy, and stood waiting for what seemed like forever.

"Come on, we have to leave!' Lyra called, her words muted by the rain. Her short purple hair was completley soaked before Poppy showed up. The bird chirped happily and landed on Lyra's shoulder.

Lyra shouldered her backpack and ran off into the night. Later, adults would wonder where she had gone, but they never bothered to look for her. It was almost like she vanished fromthier memory faster than she could run away.

As she ran, Lyra bitterly assesed her situation. She had a decent pile of supplies in her backpack, but nightfall was coming soon. She needed to find a town, quickly.That wasn't so much of a problem, because Lyra had experience finding towns to camp out in. Being homeless since age six can do that to a person.

Food wasn't an issue either. Lyra had gotten pretty good at odd jobs, and people were more likely to pay with old bread than actual money.

Her last job had been the most fun. She had been a trapeze artist in a circus.Lyra had loved twisting and twirling in the air. But like every other good thing in her stupid, messed up life, that had to end too. The shadow had appeared during a big performance, and she had almost fallen off the trapeze.

The hardest part about Lyra boing, well, Lyra, was her secrets. She had two, life-changing secrets. No one could ever know, or the consequences would be disasterous.

Lyra shook her head. She needed to get going. The sun was setting quickly.

That was almost 2 days ago.

Lyra looked at her surrondings. It had finally stopped raining, and she could see the forest around her better. The trees were greener than most in Avenwood, where Lyra lived. And the birds seemed much.. chirpier. So chirpy in fact, that Poppy had flown off to go say hi. But Lyra knew that she'd be back again soon, so she wasn't worried.

Lyra had never been this close to Mount. Sam before. It was on the western coast of Avenwood, by the beach. Maybe she would finally, finally get to see the ocean. The thought made Lyra giddy, and she had to remid herself how serious her situation was. She had almost run out of water and food.

Two hours later, the sun was dipping dangerously low on the horizon, and still Lyra couldn't find a trace of a village, or even people. The woods were getting thicker and thicker.

Poppy, now back to Lyra's shoulder, peeped worriedly. She was crazy smart for a bird.

"yeah, yeah, I know. It's getting late." Lyra said, trying to feign nonchalance.But she was getting anxious too. She always found a place, and it had never taken this long. To top it all off, this forest didn't look very friendly. Shadows crept up off the ground, coating everything in inky darkness.

As much as she hated it, it looked like Lyra was going to do the thing. with the thing. She took a deep breath, riddled with fear and resignation, and did the thing.

( A/N was i vauge enough)

(A/N that was a joke)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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