64. - For Whom The Cherry Blooms - 'Gaikaka'

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- Summary -

For Whom The Cherry Blooms.

By: Ranty_rie 

An ANBU doesn't have the freedom to mourn. Maito Gai is not an ANBU, and he's willing to cry all the tears Kakashi won't.  

Chapter Title: I. LimitsAnd Refusals. 
Series: .
Chronological Order: Fourth.
Rating: R, NC-17 at later chapters.
Genre: Angst, Humor, Bittersweet Romance.
Pairing: Gai/Kakashi.
Word Count: 3 570.
Author Notes: Originally a one-shot that (har-har) ran away from me. I think this is the strongest story of the series, where Kakashi and Gai become Kakashi and Gai. And thus, I'm considerably nervous about it. I've always thought that these two are who they are, because of each other. Beta'd by. Translation of the poem at the bottom of the final installment of this fic. Comments and nitpicks, welcome. ;)


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