John Laurens X Me School AU

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Thought I'd start things off easy with a simple and sweet one. It might be a part two thing, idk. I'm sorry that I'm making it about me but I didn't really have anything else in my brain noggin. 

Time Period: Modern
Warnings: FLUFF!! And a little bullying/teasing. (Do you count that as a warning?) 

Alex sat in her English class, paying attention to her teacher, Ms. Corizzi, as she explained synonyms and antonyms. 

"What is a synonym?" Ms. Corizzi asked. Alexis raised her hand shyly. "Yes, Alexis?" 

"A synonym is a word which holds the same meaning but is a different word," Alex answered quietly. 

"Very good. Now, what is..." Ms. Corizzi continued with her lecture but Alex's eyes began to wander around the room. There were your usual, stereotypical students, the uninterested, the nerds, the jocks throwing spitballs. Alex rolled her eyes at the boys who were laughing stupidly at a fart. 

"They're so immature." She mumbled to herself. (Oh, who am I kidding, I'm probably the one who would laugh first...) She turned back to the lesson when the kid who sat next to her looked over at her. Alex pretended not to notice, but she was secretly wondering what he was doing. 

"Johnathon? Could you please pass out the homework?" Ms. Corizzi asked. The kid staring at Alex snapped out of his trance and looked back to the teacher. 

"Yeah, sure," He mumbled. He got up and started to pass out the homework.  When he got to Alex, he gave her a tiny smile before continuing on. Alex felt her cheeks grow pink. Who was this unusually attractive kid? She tucked her homework into her bag and stood up as the bell rang. She walked out of the class and squeezed her way through the crowds down to her Math class. She sat down near the back of the room when the school's most popular kid, and the school's biggest jerk, George King, walked in with his group, laughing.

"George," She sneered quietly. George sat down at the very front of the room, with his group of turdbags sitting around him. Just before the bell rang, the kid from English ran in with his papers everywhere. He looked around until his friend waved at him and sat down next to him. 

"Hello, class. I hope you all have your geometry homework." The Math teacher, Mr. Westra, walked in. Alex took out her homework and nervously gave it to the teacher. She went back to her seat as Mr. Westra explained more geometry and math principles. He handed out a worksheet and let the class work while he graded their homework. 

"Alexis? Can you come up here, please?" Mr. Westra called. Alex sighed. She got up and walked up to the front of the room. George stopped talking long enough to point out Alex walking up to the front of the room. He snickered and turned to the rest of the class, pretending to be Alex. 

"What did I do thi-th tibe?" George said with an exaggerated lisp. The whole class laughed, and Alex felt her face get red. 

"George, please!" Mr. Westra said. George shrugged with his classic smirk on his face. "Now, Alexis, are you having trouble with math? You got most of these questions wrong." 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Westra, I just don't understand geometry," Alex said, her voice barely a whisper. Mr. Westra sighed. 

"Go back to your seat, Alex. I might be able to arrange a time during lunch or homeroom or maybe after school for us to meet." Alex nodded and walked back to her seat. 

"Hey, if you ever need help on geometry, ask Alex! She got a 72 on her homework!" George said to the class. "Oops, my bad. It says 72 wrong!" Alex bit her lip to keep herself from punching George in the face. The class laughed again, but she saw that the kid from English class and his friend were looking at her sympathetically. 

"Alright, class, settle down." Mr. Westra said, but Alex could see he was hiding a laugh. She set her mouth in a firm line and wiped her face clear of emotions. She focused on her worksheet and when the bell rang and Mr. Westra passed out the homework, Alex left without saying a word. 
She walked to her locker to dump her stuff before her Engineering class. She had almost made it to Engineering when a person steeped in front of her and Alex bumped into them. 

"Oh, sorry! Excuse me." Alex said before looking up. 

"Oh, you're excused. What did you do, did you burp?" George asked.

"George King. How can I help you?" Alex asked, smiling sweetly. 

"You can help me by getting out of here and going back to preschool." George sneered. His big group of pigfaces all guffawed stupidly. Alex tried to go around him, but George's right-hand man, Samuel Seabury, stretched out his foot and tripped her. 

"Nice one, Sam!" George high-fived his 'friend' and bent down over Alex. "Poor, poor Alex, can't even solve a simple math problem." He made a fake pout face, then stood back up laughing. Alex got up and, thankfully, she had held on to her papers. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Thomas Jefferson, another big 'friend' of George's shoved her over, and this time, all of Alex's papers and books fell everywhere. At this point, the bell had rung and all the other kids had gone to their classes. Alex tried to collect her papers, but James Madison kicked them out of her reach. 

"I'm afraid you're going to have to miss class, Alex!" James laughed. Alex felt tears come to her eyes, and she swallowed a lump in her throat. 

"Aww, does the wittle baby need a bottle?" George smirked. He raised his fist, and Alex closed her eyes and braced herself for the hit. 

"Hey, George! Knock it off." A voice said. Alex didn't dare look up. 

"I'm sorry?" George said mockingly.

"I said, cut it out!" The voice obviously belonged to a boy, so it couldn't be a teacher.

"We're just giving her a lesson in self-defense." James Madison said. 

"Leave her alone and go to class." Alex gulped, waiting to hear what happened next. She still didn't open her eyes.

"Naw, I don't really wanna," George said. There was the sound of a hit and someone crying out in pain. 

"It's okay, they're gone." The boy said. Alex opened her eyes to see the boy from her English and math class standing over her, with an outstretched hand. Alex took it and he helped her stand up. 

"Thank you," Alex whispered. The boy nodded and helped her collect her papers. 

"Your welcome. I'm John Laurens. (IN THE PLACE TO BE!!!! Sorry.) You're Alexis, right?"

"Yeah, but everyone calls me Alex." She said, taking her papers from him. This was the first time she could really see his face. He had long curly hair that was tied back and eyes that were bluer than the sky. A million freckles were sprinkled on his face and his cheeks were the slightest shade of pink. Alex realized she was staring and quickly looked away with a blush on her face.

"Cool. Hey, I've got to get to class. You probably should, too. Here, I'll just say that I took you to the nurse because you weren't feeling well." John said.

"Thanks. I appreciate what you did to those turdblossoms." Alex said.

"Eh, George is just a jerk with poor social skills." John shrugged. Alex laughed. 

"Well, thanks again! I'll see you around, yeah?" Alex said as she walked towards her class.

"Yeah, see you." John waved before sprinting down the hallway. Alex looked down at her papers when she saw something on her geometry homework.

If you ever need my help with math or just want to talk, let me know!

-John :) 

Alex smiled. "Oh, Johnathon." She whispered. "How could you have captured my heart so quickly?"

So, yeah. That was it. Sorry if it sucked or if you didn't like it. I'm just starting out here, so......yeah. Anyways, if you have a request, please, by all means, tell me! Also, this might have a second part if you want one, so yea. K, Imma go now.

-French Waffle

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