~Chapter 1~

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Wow.. I can't believe I'm on my way to college. Or you know, the first step at least. One step closer to getting a doctoral degree in the arts no less! One day some little assholes are going to be calling me professor.
After all the half assing, skipping classes, and screwing around I did in high school, I should be lucky that I passed! 

"Hey twit, are you paying attention to where we're going? You're gonna need to know so you can figure out bus routes, you still have some time until you get a car. Maybe you can start off by getting a damn job." My brother said flatly.
"Yeah yeah I am. Hey- would you brother dearest do me the pleasure of sending me like- fifteen dollars? I need it for-"
"No." My brother responded plainly.
"Ugh! Please Levi? I need it for- eh- stuff." I pouted.
"Yeah. Stuff. Like drugs." He spat.
"What the hell- No, just- girl stuff, okay? I mean- I can go further into detail if you'd reaaaalllyy like to-"
"Shut it."
"Can you for once in your life do actual brotherly things aside from scaring boys off? Like, fuck dude." I scoffed.
"Fine, but smart mouth me one more time and I will not hesitate to drop you off at a curb and have you walk the rest of the way." Levi spat.
"Oh goody, thank you!" I gave a sarcastic smile.
"Hey, watch it." He glared.

Levi is my older brother, adoptive if you will. Our dad was rarely around, so he took me into his own hands. As much as he likes to pretend I'm a royal pain in his ass, I know he cares about me. If he didn't, he would leave me to fend for myself. I'm old enough so I have no idea why he sticks around, again, most likely because he cares.
He's just too stubborn to admit it.

My mom and dad adopted him into our family before I was even born. He was very young, only 7 years old. He had a rough past, he was an orphan.
When I was born, it took some getting used to but eventually he grew to love me, dare I use that word.
After things with our mom took a turn for the worse, he had no choice but to give a damn about me.

"Make it quick. You're lucky I even gave you the 15 dollars to begin with."
Levi spoke.
"Yeah cause it'll take me an hour to go get two things?" I scoffed.
"You're a ditz. It wouldn't be the first time." Levi retorted.
"Yeah yeah I'll be back."

I quickly ran in, and found what I was looking for.
Whilst waiting in line I grabbed a magazine that held an article announcing some tour, album release, and updated information on my favourite band.
Wow, they're coming here in February!
I don't have a job right now and currently I have about 5 dollars to my name but I'll be damned if I don't see them!
As I continued to read the magazine I hit some sort of glass object, causing me to fall on my ass.
The door. I ran into the fucking door.
"Are you okay?" I heard a voice come from behind me.

Oh good, someone saw me do that.

As I looked behind me I swear I thought I was going to have heart palpitations.
I was met with a pair of turquoise eyes belonging to a head of chestnut brown hair.
"Earth to wall girl? Man, did you really hit your head that hard?" The brown haired boy chuckled.
"Oh- eh. Heh, uh yes- yeah. I'm okay." I rubbed the back of my head with an imaginary sweat drop plummeting from the top of my forehead.
"Want me to help you up?" The boy asked.
"Eh- um. Yes actually help up would be greatly appreciated." I replied.
"There ya go."
Suddenly, my phone buzzed.

Hurry up and quit talking to boys.

"Well um, I gotta run. Thanks for helping me with my dilemma- Bye." I spoke quickly as I ran out of the store.

"What took you so long?" Levi asked.
"I- uh, just a long line." I replied.
"Got it. You ran into the door." Levi replied.
I rolled my eyes. How does he know me so well?

"Hey, we're here." Levi said, pulling up to a condominium.

Levi assisted me in finding an affordable condo, however I would need a roommate because money as a college student is scarce, I get money from the government every month so I will be using some of that while I attempt to look for a part time job.

"Would you like help unloading your stuff? Who is your roommate? Have you met them yet?" Levi asked plainly, trying to cover up the fact that he is genuinely concerned about my well being.
"Uh, well no I haven't met my roommate. I spoke briefly with her over email but the college set it up. So I highly doubt she'll be a psychopath but I mean we'll see right?" I chuckled.
"This is no laughing matter, you ought to be more responsible than this." Levi glared at me.
"Yeah yeah it'll be fine."
"Alright piss brain, before we head in let me lay down a few things.
I will be stopping by to visit every now and then. I will call occasionally as well. If you have any concerns or you feel as if you are in danger, you have my number. Got it?" Levi raised an eyebrow.
I nodded simply in response.
"Good. Now, let's go unload your stuff. I would like to be aquatinted with your roommate briefly before I just up and leave."

Levi and I brought my things inside the house with no sign of my roommate.
I noticed my cat's spray bottle and decided to place it on the kitchen table, reminding myself that he would be moving in with me soon.

Levi and I headed to my room and he began to unpack the bags and boxes witholding my clothes.
"I still don't understand why you dress like this, it's like you have multiple personas. Didn't you get picked on in high school enough?" Levi scoffed as he was taking each item of clothing out and hanging it up in my closet.
"There's nothing wrong with a little bit of grace and elegance once in a while. I'm surprised I have to be telling you this of all people." I smirked, meanwhile unpacking my laptop and games.
I put a lot of thought into my outfits.
I wouldn't say that my style of dress is completely conservative, but I certainly do enjoy borrowing ideas from past generations and combining them with certain aspects of modern punk culture.
I'm not an idiot, I understand the repressive aspects of these past generations, I just feel that there has to be a happy medium between the over bearing cynical narcissism of blind liberalism and the prudish ignorance of contemporary conservatism.
People do tend to say that my style of dress is odd to say the least, but I don't agree.
I dress the way I do because I dream of a simpler time when men had honour and women had class and when men would defend the honour of their women, an age of chivalry.

Once we finished placing everything inside and unpacking we still saw no sign of my roommate, so I decided to shoot her a text.

Hey! Where are you? I'm at the condo!

Hey yeah I'll be there shortly

A few moments later I heard the door unlock and footsteps walk in.
Levi was in the midst of helping me tidy up my room, as we both dropped what we were doing to finally become acquainted with my roommate.

My jaw nearly fell to the floor.
This is not what I was expecting at all.

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