Chapter 35

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I wake up in cold sweat, gasping for breath. When I finally calm down, I look at the clock and see its six in the morning. I barely got any sleep last night, but I have no intention of going back to sleep. I sigh and slide out of bed, searching again for my suitcase in the dim light of the room. I finally tug it out from under the bed, wishing I had found it last night before that whole Harry thing happened.

I grumble to myself while I throw on some baby blue skinny jeans, and a flowy pink shirt. I throw on some toms, toss my hair up in a messy bun, then grab my purse as I head out the door. I don't exactly know where I'm going, but anywhere is better than here. Maybe they'll wake up and not even notice I'm gone. I finally make my way out of the hotel, and slide on some sunglasses, even though its still not light outside. The last thing I want is to be noticed.

People shuffle by, their heads hung low, each deep in thought. My feet start walking, my eyes taking in my surrounding. The town we're in is pretty big, filled with tons of small shops and stores. A man walks past, bumping into my shoulder. "Watch it." He grumbles. I roll my eyes and keep walking. A half hour later, I'm completely lost, but content. I stop in front of a small coffee shop, with a very homey look. I step inside, greeted by warmth, and a strong coffee smell.

"Hi! What can I get you?" A smiling man greets me. "Just a hot chocolate please." I say with a smile. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's with the glasses?" He says, his hands moving around, picking things up and making my hot chocolate. "Oh." I say, taking them off and putting them in my purse. "I'm just... Hiding from someone." I say as casually as possible. "Oh." The man laughs. "I've done that plenty of times." He says with a smile. He finishes making my drink, then slides it across the counter.

When I start pulling out my wallet, he stops me and says "It's on me." I grin, happy there's actually decent people in this world. "Thanks!" I say, taking the warm cup and sipping it. My eyes flutter closed, and I continue sipping my drink. "No problem." He says with a smile, taking a rag and wiping down the counter. I find a seat near the corner of the room and sit down, pulling my feet up to sit criss cross on the chair.

The boys always make fun of how I sit, but the way I see it, you might as well be comfortable. Soon after, I feel my phone buzz multiple times.

I pull it out and unlock it.

Louis <333


El <3

Where are you??? We woke up and you were gone!!!

Kayla :)


Harry <3

The lads and I are really worried about you...

Ashton xD

Gabs, plz come back

I sigh and dial Els phone. "Hello???" She says loudly after just the first ring. "Hey El." I mumble. "Gabby! Thank god! We looked everywhere for you!!!" "I'm fine. I just wanted to take a walk. Tell Lou and the boys that I'm ok." I say quickly. Silence follows. "... Ok. But come back soon, ok?" "Ok, I will." I mumble. "Bye." I press the end button before she can say anything else, and stand up. I grab my drink, and head out the door. "Thanks for the drink!" I say, managing a half smile. "Sure thing!" The boy says with a wink.

I walk out the door, and bump into a person, spilling my drink all over myself. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" A girl says, attempting to brush the drink off my shirt. "Um. It's ok." I say, frowning at my new shirt, now covered in hot chocolate. "Gosh, I'm so clumsy." She groans. I look up, meeting her bright blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Amber." She says with a smile, twirling her honey brown hair. "I'm Gabby." I reply. Her eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! You're Louis' sister!" I sigh. "Yep." "Aren't you touring with 5sos also? I love them so much! Oh my gosh, I have the biggest crush on Ash and-... Oh. Sorry..." I chuckle to myself. "It's fine, I do it all the time. Walk with me?" "Sure!" She says with a smile.

"Say... Do you know where the Grand hotel is?" I ask. "Yeah. I'll take you there." "Also... You wanna hear a story?" I ask, wanting to let out all my feelings and talk to someone. "My friends tell me I'm a good listener." She says, beaming. "Good. Cause have I got a dilemma for you!"

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