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-Everyone has logged on-
Seo Jun: You're dumb Hyun Shik
Hyun Shik: What did I do?
Seo Jun: Breath lol
Hyun Shik: Shut the fuck off
Eun Jung: What did I say about cursing?!
Hyun Shik: Not to do it
Eun Jung: And what did you do?
Hyun Shik: Curse.
Eun Jung: That's right.
Seo Jun: Ha
Mina: oKaY mOm
Eun Jung: I feel like I am one with all you disrespectful children
Mina: Lmao even Sasuke?
Eun Jung: He barely talks to us so he's not one
Sung Min: What about me?
Eun Jung: You are one!
Sung Min: Why?!
Eun Jung: You drank my tea when I said not to!
Sung Min: When did you say that?!
Eun Jung: Who heard me say "Don't drink my tea."?
Mina: Me
Seo Jun: Me
Hyun Shik: Me
Sasuke: Me
Eun Jung: Everyone heard it BUT YOU
Sung Min: Seriously -_-
Eun Jung: I had to wait overnight for that Omija Tea!
Mina: That's only long for you cause you're impatient
Eun Jung: Am not
Mina: Yes, you are.
Eun Jung: Stop it
Hyun Shik: At least there's still some left.
Seo Jun: Enough about tea, I'm starting to want some.
Hyun Shik: Ask Eun Jung to make some
Seo Jun: Eun Jung~  Can you make me tea please?
Eun Jung: Alright, who else wants some?
Hyun Shik: I want some
Mina: Same
Eun Jung: Anyone else?
Sung Min: ...
Eun Jung: Do you want some or not?
Sung Min: Yes
Eun Jung: Okay. What kind of tea do you all want?
Seo Jun: Any kind.
Hyun Shik: Same
Mina: Jasmine Tea
Sung Min: Omija Tea
Eun Jung: Alright, Sasuke do you want some?
Sasuke: No, thank you.
Mina: Eun Jung makes some bomb ass tea
Eun Jung: Thank you but what did I say about cursing?
Mina: I'm not playing your games. You are a poser, for I can tell the future while you are just a mere mortal!
Eun Jung: Goodness gracious....
Seo Jun: Lol you're dumb
Mina: You.
Seo Jun: You.
Mina: You.
Seo Jun: You.
Mina: You.
Eun Jung: Enough children. I'll tell you guys when it's done.
-Eun Jung has logged off-
Hyun Shik: I'm older yet she talks to me as if i'm younger.
Seo Jun: You go with it so...
Hyun Shik: do not.
Seo jun: yes you do.
Hyun Shik: Whatever.
Mina: She's such a mom.
Hyun Shik: I know right? Ever since we were kids (before I left for america) she was always like my mom even though i was older.
Seo jun: I've known her since high school. She was the mom of the group. Remember Sung min?
Sung Min: Yeah I remember. Jihoon was the baby of the group cause he was clumsy as hell and would get lost in the school so she always gave him the most attention.
Seo Jun: lmao I remember that
Sung min: Since we're in korea now, should we call them over to the house?
Hyun shik: How many are there?
Seo jun: there's 5.
Hyun shik: if you really want them over we're gonna have to tell Eun Jung and help clean the house.
Seo jun: Why do we need to tell eun jung?
Hyun Shik: cause knowing her she's gonna want to make sure the house is clean. And they're her friends too
Sung Min: mhm
Mina: More people are coming to the house? We already have 6 people here dude. That'll be 11 people when they get here.
Sasuke: Wow you actually know math?
Mina: Shut the fuck up please
Mina: Y'all swear I won't throw hands🙄
Seo Jun: Lol
Sung Min: Seo Jun, call them over.
Seo Jun: Alright.
-Seo jun has logged off-
Sung Min: It's been so long since we've seen them.
Mina: I've seen them once soooo
Hyun Shik: we all should help around the house.
-Seo Jun has logged on-
Sung Min: we should assign chores.
Hyun Shik: I'll do the dishes and take the trash out.
Seo Jun: Chores? I'll wipe stuff down.
Mina: I'll pick up stuff around the house.
Sasuke: I'll help Mina. 
Sung Min: I'll put the shoes away and clean the rooms.
Seo Jun: What's Eun Jung gonna do?
Hyun Shik: She'll cook for all of us, right? 
Mina: That's a lot of people!
Hyun Shik: Who wants to help her cook?
Seo Jun: .....
Sung Min: .....
Mina: ......
Hyun Shik: No one?
Seo Jun: .....
Sung Min: .....
Mina: ......
Hyun Shik: Fine, i'll help her. Someone is going to have to do my job though.
Seo Jun: .....
Sung Min: .....
Mina: ......
Hyun Shik: The last one to say "I"  has to do it.
MIna: I
Sung Min: I
Seo jun: Eun Jung is looking at our conversation right now and she says she'll cook and do Hyun Shik's chores for him.
Hyun Shik: Why doesn't she just message us in the chatroom.
Seo Jun: She's in Hyun Shik's room with me.
Sung Min: WHAT?! WHY?!
Seo Jun: Geez calm down. She was asking me what kind of tea I wanted.
Sung Min: Didn't you say anything was fine?
Seo Jun: She wanted me to choose from the options she had.
Hyun Shik: Alright. Tell her I said thank you.
Seo Jun: She said you're welcome In English.
Mina: How is that relevant?
Seo Jun: She said to be looking out for her message.
Sung Min: Ohh okay
Hyun Shik: When are your friends coming?
Seo Jun: They said they'll be here in about an hour
Hyun Shik: An hour?!
Sung Min: Why didn't you tell us before?!
Mina: We barely have any time to clean
Seo Jun: We have an hour.
Sung Min: This house is huge! We can barely clean it in 2 hours!
Seo Jun: Oh lord...
-Eun Jung has logged on-
Eun Jung: The tea is done. Come to the kitchen children and we will start cleaning.
Sung Min: We only have an hour!
Hyun Shik: Cause SOMEONE Didn't say anything.
Seo Jun: FIght me hoe.
Hyun Shik: Try me.
Eun Jung: How about instead of texting in the group chat, you start cleaning!
Seo Jun: I just heard Mina run into the bathroom.
Eun Jung: Jesus Mina! Which bathroom are you in?!
Mina: Try to find me hehe
Eun Jung: Mina! I can hear you in the third bathroom!
Mina: Open the door if you want to see me naked, I'm finna fix myself cause Im looking crusty.
Eun Jung: So you're not gonna help?
Mina: Maybe in a bit
Eun Jung: You're so mean!
Mina: I'm finna shower
-Mina has logged off-
Eun Jung: Jesus smh.
-Hyun Shik has logged off-
-Mina  has logged on-
Mina:Does anyone want to join me?😏
Eun Jung: Jesus Christ
Seo Jun: No...
Mina:stfu you know you want to~
Sasuke: Who is sauce?
-Mina has logged off-
-Eun Jung has logged off-
-Sasuke has logged off-
-Seo Jun has logged off-
-Sung Min has logged off-

『Unexpected』  ChatroomHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin