Good Morning

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    The school bell rang releasing an annoyingly consistent sound that will surely grab everyone's attention. Everyone walks quickly into their classes, but not me. I have no idea why to do so, but I think that the system doesn't suite me. Call me crazy but I think everyone should have the right to not go to classes they are not interested in. Unpopular opinion I suppose.

    So I walked slowly like a soulless body dragged by the emptiness of my special place for my special somebody. So, maybe I'm just lonely. I could be in the pursuit of love. A man I could love and be clingy to. However none are able to catch my interest. They all seem, could I say, mainstream. They all dress to impress. But seemed to fail to impress. How ironic.

    Now you're probably thinking that, wow this girl is so confident of herself. Wrong! I'm not confident of myself, I just live my life in the simplest way possible. At least that's what I'd like to think every day. I don't like pushing my expectations too high. Maybe I lack pushing at all. So here I am daydreaming in class again because I don't like the subject. What's that you ask? Every subject!

   Now you're thinking I'm probably just an overconfident girl with school problems. Stop right there! I'm not a problematic student. I just don't like the large numbers of students in a class this big. It's not a good way of learning in my book. How does one teach more than 20 students efficiently? Ouh I'm one of the top students in my class thank you very much. I just study by myself and revised a lot.

    Okay, I think now you're thinking, what a rude person I am. Where are my manners? Urgh! What is it with people these days. Judging all they want. It's a beautiful world I suppose. Okay fine, I'm Jasmine. Full name? Classified. Ouh and good morning!

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