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I sighed beneath the sheets and stretched out elongating my arms and legs before returning to my natural position feeling more content than ever before.

Dantor snuggled close, his breath on my ear and I suddenly felt the need to celebrate everything I had.

“Party tonight.” I announced my voice slightly hoarse and I had to strain to make the words audible.

“What’s the theme?” Dantor asked a smile tugging on his lips.

I paused in consideration; we almost always had a theme, that way it was almost like we had a reason to party. The fairies loved getting dressed up and sometimes there where even contests for the best dressed.

I smile up at Dantor when I remember that my favourite theme hasn’t been used for almost a month.

“Masquerade.” We said at the same time and I smiled even bigger.

How was it that I deserved such a perfect mate, I would never know. It had almost been coincidental, Dantor had grown up a poor serving boy – he was destined to serve the new Queens meals and he had been serving champagne at my coronation when his bright blue hair snared my attention.

My coronation was the first night of many he had spent in my bed.

I sent Damon away quickly after that, he would need most of the day to gather the appropriate decorations. I brushed my hair and applied a thin layer of make-up. Before risking a call to my seamstress Celine with the news of our impending party.

Celine was beautiful in a very exotic way – even for a fairy. She was tiny, only coming to about 5’3 and had the petite body to match. Her face was tattooed in golden lilies, and her hair was as golden as the sun with flashes of other bright colours streaming throughout. Looking at her was almost like looking at the sun she was so bright. And she was often just as temperamental.

I stood on a little podium and allowed her to poke and prod my body, watching as her quick golden eyes assessed which colours would best suit my colouring, how my hair should be done, which make-up would have to be applied as well as the general rules for appearance that the Fae’s would try to encapsulate.

“Can you do it?” I asked, my voice a whisper but full of hope.

Celine knew what kind of dress I wanted – full bodied with a hoop that made the dress spread out. It would have a corset to pull me in and give my body an hourglass shape. I would want long lace sleeves or no sleeves at all.

Celine met my gaze and nodded quickly, flittering out the door before I could even stutter a thank you. The fairy was utterly intimidating despite her petite size.

I settled into standing at the balcony watching the sun and the fairies as they flew. I shook out my wings and stood onto the railing that kept me from falling off when they where concealed. I bent my knees focusing my eyes on the sky and jumped, my wings beating in a steady rhythm until I was finally into the air. I spiralled around myself laughing before rushing to join in a game of “Fairy Flying” with some of the young girls.

Fairy flying was a lot like I remember duck, duck, goose being like as a human; except for the fact we were in the air and our circle was much bigger. A fairy girl names Clara was currently ‘it’ and she raced around the circle before tapping the boy Markus beside me and racing off. The girl was one of the fastest flyers I had ever seen and she easily slid into Markus’ place beside me.

After I tagged someone who had to sit in the middle of the circle I returned to my room to find a deep purple very old fashioned dress hung snugly on a mannequin. My breath caught in my throat when I stared at it. It was sleeveless and the neck line was what Celine called ‘sweetheart’ the back was strapped together with purple material and when I looked carefully enough I found I could see the corset.

Celine stood at the door to my room watching as I touched and marvelled at her creation. I simply stared at her with my mouth open and that was thanks enough.

She ordered me to sit down and she started work on my hair. I simply closed my eyes and made a few guesses as to what she was doing. At some stage she was curling some strands, other parts she pulled into a knot and stuck painful things into my hair.

As soon as she was happy with my hair she immediately moved onto my makeup, using a slightly heavier hand than I would have myself, but it was nothing garish or overly done about the way she applied it. Without opening my eyes Celine carefully slipped me into the hoop first, before fitting the dress over it.

One she was satisfied with my look, she also changed out my earrings and placed a light necklace on me that hung fairly tightly around my neck. She placed the stick of my mask in my hand and turned me towards the floor length mirror hidden in a corner of my room.

When I finally looked at myself I was shocked. Celine must be a magician to do this to me.

My hair was up with little pins that had what looked like diamonds attached at the end. My make up looked natural; with highlights under my eyes for when I lifted the mask over them they seemed to be unnaturally bright and prominent. The other dominant feature was the bright red lipstick.

“Oh” I sighed, and locked eyes with Celine. “Remind me to give you a pay rise.” I said without thinking. Celine snickered satisfied that her job of making me beautiful was done.

Fae QueenWhere stories live. Discover now