Part I

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(A/N (Dan-i-ka))

(A/N  (Luca's wolf's name is "Dove-lin")

"You don't deserve to be my mate. Not because your wolf isn't strong enough or worthy. But because you, as a person Luca, disgust me. I don't deserve a mate who's whored himself out for the thrill of the catch and never been faithful to anyone but the alpha. I used to have a crush on you." She said, dryly laughing. "I used to wish we would end up mates. And guess what, you changed and now my once dream is a nightmare. Don't get me wrong, I like your wolf. He deserves to be someone's mate, but you sure as hell don't with the way you turned out."

   Her words were throwing knives piercing my heart and staking it in place. I couldn't move, I couldn't say anything. I just stood there frozen in place. Perplexed, confused, hurt and intrigued as to how I was being rejected. I, the future beta, never saw my mate having the guts to tell me off and reject me. I couldn't help myself from wanting to wrap my arms around her. To bury my nose in her neck so I could wash away the hurt from her words, with her sweet and spicy scent.

   I'd been so lost in my own mind trying to make sense of what was happening, I hadn't noticed she'd started walking closer to me. That is, until I noticed her scent had gotten stronger when she was a few feet away from me. She kept talking as she crept closer to where I was frozen.

"So, the fact that I don't want you as my mate isn't good enough. And I can't reject you without breaking my own heart irreparably. So, you only have two options." She finished, coming to a stop less than a foot in front of me.

"W-wha..." I tried to talk but my throat was so dry, I had to clear it a couple times and lick my lips before I could try again, "What do you mean I have two options?"

"So you can talk. Well, after this is over I won't need you to talk to me anymore. But...I did say you had two options." She paused, her sexy red lips curling up in a devilish smirk. "Your first option is, you can reject me. I can act all heartbroken, but we both know I'll be happy and it's for the better. Or yo-"

"I am not rejecting you!" I snarled at her, furious she would even try to proposition me to do such a thing as to reject her.

"I wasn't finished!" She yelled back, before closing her eyes and taking deep breaths to calm herself.

   I just stood there, watching her again. Memorizing as much of her as I could.
   Her usual full red lips, thinned and stretched when she was upset. Her beautiful creme white skin in full contrast to me, radiating a soft glow around her face in the moonlight. Her usually grey-ish blue eyes...slate grey now that I'd upset her. All I could think to do was cup her face in my palm and kiss her as gently as I could. Afraid if I was too rough or I closed my eyes, she'd disappear. I hadn't even noticed she'd tilted her nose up to the side, until I heard an audible sigh from her and then incoherent grumbling. She'd just used my scent to calm herself and restrain her wolf!

    When her wolf and her were satiated and calmed by my scent, her eyes shot open and she was once again glaring at me. "I wasn't finished Luca. Don't interrupt me again."

    She stared at me for a moment, challenging me with that angry, slate grey stare of hers. I stared and challenged back...for a moment, before my wolf and I conceded to our mate. All we wanted to do was please her, and now with what she was saying, that seemed impossible. But if I could satisfy her by keeping my mouth shut and letting her speak, then that's what I'd do. I bowed my head to her slightly, showing slight submission to her current need for dominance and control of the situation.

    My mate sighed ever so slightly, and I saw her glare soften for a moment. But before I could react to that softening, she'd closed herself off again, resisting the mate bond that was trying to pull us together.

She huffed before turning slightly away and stating, "Your first option is to reject me."

I couldn't help myself from growling in frustration. "Or, you can somehow try to show me that you deserve me as your mate. The choice is yours Luca, since you're the one with the power. But you already know my decision."

    Once again, I couldn't move or say anything. I couldn't do anything but watch my mate turn and run in the opposite direction of me. I was floored by what she said. I couldn't believe she was giving me an ultimatum, but was hoping I'd reject her. Even if I'd wanted to reject her, I couldn't. I can't stand the thought of her being in someone else's arms, saying she loved someone else. Because of the mate bond, I can', I won't reject her. My wolf's too possessive of her already and I don't want anyone but her, myself, even without my wolf's judgement. I guess I'll have to convince her to give me a chance.

'Danika, I swear to you, I will be the best version of myself for you, just give me a chance.' I thought to myself as I started running into the forest. I needed time alone, time to think. Time to let everything that just happened with Danika sink in so I could figure out a way to change things between us.

"Dubhlainn, do you have any idea of how to convince her we can, and have started changing?" I asked my wolf, before taking a seat under a tree.

"What do you mean 'we', Luca? We are not one and the same. You know I was never in agreement with your behavior, especially when it came to you getting physical pleasure from someone other than our mate." Dubhlainn stated calmly.

    Though I could hear the hurt behind his words since he kept replaying what our mate had said before, I knew he was right. I didn't actually think I'd find our mate. Dubhlainn kept telling me we would, trying to convince me to stop acting like a selfish fool. But I didn't believe him, I wanted to, but I didn't. I didn't think there was just one person out there that could love me no matter what, with all my faults and self-destructive behavior. I didn't believe there was someone out there who would make me want to change myself for the better.

"You're right..." I sighed, "I should've listened to you and stopped fooling around with anyone who would throw themselves at me. I didn't. But I am now. So I need your help to win her back and show I can change. I've already started changing, Dubhlainn. I don't want anyone but Danika. No one's made me feel the way she has. Even if all she really intended to do was hurt me and push me away, I just wanted to hold her in my arms and feel like I'd finally found that missing piece. No one had ever made me feel anything, aside from physical pleasure, before. You know that."

"Luca, this isn't something you can fix overnight. You've spent the last ten years ignoring her, getting your kicks with other people, partying, drinking...experimenting with drugs. This is why she doesn't think you deserve her. All she's ever tried to do was be your friend and you pushed her away!" He snarled at me, furious that I'd been the one to cause him to not be able to be around his mate, when that's all he'd ever wanted.

"I know...and I'm sorry, Dubhlainn. I didn't think she was really out there for someone like me! I've only ever had people around me because of your title in the pack. They respect the title, but they don't care or respect me. They never have, and they never will. I thought that's all I'd ever get, so I said fuck it. If no one really cares about who I am outside of that stupid title, then I'll do whatever the hell I want and if anyone has a problem with it, well then, they can go fuck themselves with the title of Beta." I choked out. I'd started crying frustrated and hurt tears. I wasn't, and couldn't be, frustrated with anyone but myself.

    I'd made the decision to ignore my wolf, to turn my back on him. I'd made the decision to fuck around with anyone who was willing for a night. I was the one who decided to always drink and then start experimenting with drugs. I made those decisions. No one forced me to, yet I still felt like I had no choice. I always, and still, felt alone so I was running from my pain by way of intoxication. But if I have to stop running away and drinking away my pain, to make my mate see that I deserve her, then that's what I'll do.

So tell me what do you think of Luca?
Do you really think he can change?

What about Danika? Was she too harsh? Is she a bitch for basically rejecting her mate, with everything he's done in the past?

I'll hopefully be updating the story soon and adding more parts, but your help counts too! Thanks for taking the time to read the beginning of my story and I hope to read your comments and possible suggestions and criticism soon 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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