Chapter 12- The scared vampire girl who should have lived

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When we got back, they already burnt all the bodies. I ran to Jasper, well more like I started running, and then I was suddenly in his arms. I hug him. I stay like that for awhile. I'm glad he's safe. I'm glad everyone's safe.

Then I heard, "Leah, don't!" I look to see Leah fighting a new born that was hiding. Jacob got the New born off of her, but the vamp had a grip on Jake. He starts to whimper in pain. Other wolves rips the vamp apart, but Jake fell to the ground in human form. Bella already starts to run over to him. Carlisle and the wolves talk then they carry him away.

Once they left, Alice says, "They're coming." I stay next to Jasper not wanting to leave. I look to the side to see a vampire girl, she looks really scared. She looks over at me, fear in her eyes. i feel bad for her, she didn't want to become a vampire, I could tell.

I look across the field, I could see Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri. "Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude." Jane says. "We were lucky." Carlisle says. "I doubt that." Jane says. "It appears we missed an entertaining fight, sister." Alec says. "Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary."

"If only you'd arrive a half hour ago, you would have  full filled your purpose." Edward says. "Pity." Jane says. "You missed one." "We offered her asylum, in exchange for her surrender." Carlisle explains. "That wasn't for you to offer. Why did you come?" Jane asks her. "Who created you?" Jane asks again.

Before the girl could even answer, she went down on the ground screaming. Jane really scares me. I would stand up to her, but she is seriously scary for a little thing. Jasper must of felt my fear, cause he hugs me tighter. "You don't have to do that, she'll tell you anything you want to know." Esme says. "I know." Jane says.

"I don't know. Riley wouldn't tell us. He says our thoughts weren't safe." The girl says. "Her name was Victoria.. perhaps you you knew her." Edward says. "Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her. Isn't that right, Jane?" Carlisle informs.

I see Jasper glare at Jane. "Of course.... Felix." Jane says. "She didn't know what she was doing.. we'll take responsibility for her." Esme says. "Give her a chance." Carlisle pleads.

"The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Aro would be interested to know that, they're still; human." Jane says, looking to Edward and Bella to Jasper and me. "The dates are set." i say, with some courage. Jane looks at the New Born again, "Take care of that, Felix." Felix walks  to the girl. She looks Terrified.

Jasper turns me away, so I wouldn't be able to see. The girl's terrified eyes, i could still all the fear they held. I hear her screams; then, Silence.

She didn't deserve to die.


Seriously Bree, did not deserve to die!!

Ok so, sad chapter, kind of short, but oh well.

ok soo, if you are interested, or curious about the contest, I've posted the rules and details, it a contest book. In that book is also where I will put the contestants stories.

ok so, one more chapter! until the next story!!!! who's excited? no one? just me? ok............................




LOTS OF LUV ~ snowflake

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