Otis, Do You Think You'd Warm up to Pizza If You Tried It?

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Otis, do you think you'd warm up to pizza if you tried it? Cuz that's what happened with gum XD

*Otis rapidly shakes his head in small movements*

Otis: "No no no no no."

Olympia: "Come on, Otis, it's so good! It's cheesy and delicious!"

*Olympia was holding up a slice of pizza from a delivery from Debbie's Pizzeria*

Olympia: "Besides, it's true. You hated gum, but ended up liking it."

Otis: *looks at her* "That's different. I only didn't like gum, because I didn't know about the blowing bubbles part..."

Olympia: "Do you want to try a pickle then?" *holds up a small, green pickle*

Otis: *makes a face, turning his head away, and holding his hand up* "It's a wet vegetable."

Olympia: *sighs as she shakes her head* "You're impossible."

Otis: *finally looks at her, looking confused* "What do you mean?"

Olympia: "You're a flip flopper, one minute you don't like gum, the next you do. So, how do you know you don't like pizza?"

Otis: *sighs in defeat* "Fine."

*He takes a slice of pizza, taking a small bite, making a face as he chews*

Otis: "Maybe I'd like it better without the cheese part."

*He scrapes the cheese off with a fork*

Otis: *takes another small bite* "And maybe I'd like it better without the sauce part."

*He uses the same fork to get rid of the sauce*

Otis: *takes yet another small bite* "And without the crust part..." *sets the crust down*

Olympia: "What part's left?"

Otis: *smiles a little as he picks up the box, opening it up* "The box, and I like the little table inside. It makes me feel like a giant."

*Olympia shakes her head, sighing some, she was about to say something else, but she sees how happy Otis is just messing with the small, white table*

Olympia: "I guess the answer is no."

*She's still smiling though as she looks over at Otis*

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this one. (: I think this turned out pretty cute, but I am a big Otis x Olympia shipper, so that might be why. I just love them together, whether they're on a date or just hanging out. (X Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so so much! <3

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