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A new day has come for me as the sun began to rise over London. Today was the day I put my vigilante status once and for all as this was the day I reveal myself toward the public. I sat in my abandoned home, waiting for Cray to come get me and drag me to my reveal. I know there would be people waiting for me, the question is, how many in particular.

A knock on my door caused me to approach it before revealing Cray, accompanied by many London police officers. Normally I would complain to my agent why he brough Scotland Yard here but I'm not going to, seeing how even the law itself deserves to know the truth about this vigilante.

"They know you sent Quentin to tip them off about Cavendish last night", Cray said. "He squealed about that, but he doesn't know about your face right?"

I shake my head as a police officer starts to approach me. His men behind him with their blackjacks and pistols strapped to their waists.

"I never expected you would reveal yourself on this day, to possibly hundreds of people in the city", the officer said in front of me. "Truth be told, as much as we aren't exactly open to your acts for the past few months, that doesn't mean we're not grateful that a citizen like yourself would want to take part in creating peace and order, especially taking on the Cavendish Gang last night. I don't know why you targeted them, but we've managed to take in many of their members. Anyhoo, we're here to escort you to your reveal, just to make sure everything goes smoothly. You wouldn't mind to do so would you, Mr. Holloway?"

I shook my head as he smiled.

"Excellent, shall we be off then?", he asked as I replied with a nod and he began to lead the way, his men and Cray accompanying me by walking by my side. We began to walk up to the busy city center, where dozens of people have spotted us, and looked at us in wonder. Just a few meters ahead I soon spotted a large stage along with a man dressed in a suit standing on top of it, his hands behind his back while looking at me in amazement. Is that the mayor?

I could not question further as I walked onto the stage, dozens and possibly hundreds of people looking at me. The officers stood behind me as with Cray, while the large audience in front of me could only stay quiet and look at me in fascination. Men and women whispering to each other, trying to identify me, while boys and girls looked at me in awe. Soon, the man in the suit spoke.

"Ladies and gentleman! I, the mayor am glad to announce that today is a special day for us. Most of you may or may have not heard of Holloway, the Castigator. A mysterious individual looking out for the people of this fair city. Someone who isn't afraid to take things in their hands to ensure order. The vigilante of the past few months that has taken his role into maintaining peace here. The person I speak of, is standing next to me right now.". He paused as everyone in the crowd began to chatter even louder, reporters trying to get the info on their notes while others began to take a picture of me with their cameras on tripods. I was somewhat amused how some tried to get their cameras steady but fell in the process. "He has come here to reveal himself, no longer hiding in the shadows. I commend this man for his honesty.". He paused, soon turning to me.

"It seems the crowd is ready for you to reveal yourself Mr. Holloway, ready when you are. Let us see the face of the vigilante.". I turned to Cray and had him come next to me, before I whispered to him. He looked at me in confusion after I finished what I said to him.

"If that's what you want", Cray said to me as he turned to the mayor and the crowd. "Holloway wishes Harold Masterson to unmask him."

The crowd gasped and looked at us in surprise. The mayor as well, who began to turn to the crowd.

"Is there a Harold Masterson in the crowd?", the mayor asked as a hand was raised in the crowd, before Masterson himself went through the crowd, revealing himself. "Come up on here sir."

I turned to see Masterson walk up onto the stage. He approached me slowly, before standing inches away from me. He was gulping. I'm assuming he must be nervous standing in front of a huge crowd.

"I'm surprised you wanted me to unmask you, though I have yet to hear news on your investigation on my daughter's dissapearance."

"Just unmask the guy!", said a man in the crowd, clearly impatient.

"Of course", Masterson said quietly before turning to me. He had both of his hands on my facemask, slowly pulling it down to reveal my clear clean face. The crowd let out a huge gasp as they saw my face. Masterson himself was stunned as well.

I knew they would be surprised, but then I took my top hat off, revealing my hair which is in a bun, where I took the clip holding the bun, letting my long hair out.

"You're a woman!?", Cray said with a loud expression as the crowd let out a small roar of fascination and surprise. I gave a small smile to him before waving at the crowd. Masterson himself seemed surprise as well.

"Miss! Miss!", asked a reporter gaining my attention. "Is Holloway your real name?"

"Holloway is just an alias."

"What's your real name?", Masterson asked me, gaining my attention. I looked at him for seconds before letting out a sigh. Reaching my coat pocket I took out Stephanie Masterson's photo before holding it next to my face. Masterson looked at me for seconds, accompanied by Cray whose eyes widened.

"Stephanie?", asked Masterson who seemed to start having tears in his eyes.

"Hello father", I told my father the same thing, before he pulled me into a deep hug. We ignored the crowd applauding for us. I knew this day would come.

When I was 15, I was caught by the Cavendish Gang, and how I always tried to forget the time Caulfield and Paddy O'Donovan tried to screw me. I've managed to escape from them after a struggling with them. To be honest, I couldn't bear to leave in London due to the influence of the Cavendish Gang. I knew they would want me dead knowing I would most likely report to the police regardless. So when I did escape them, I faked my death, I left my clothes in a ditch overlooking the city, before I ran to the countryside, living with an married couple for the next 11 years. They took me in as if I was their daughter, with the husband teaching me how to defend myself, him being a former soldier, and his wife, supporting me. When I turned 26 I knew it was time for me to go back to London, to unite with my family, but not before becoming Holloway the Castigator as a protector for the city for the last few months.

Here I am now, reunited with my father Harold Masterson once more. I am Stephanie Masterson once more. Holloway was just an alias, but I knew that was a name that would not be easily forgotten by the people of London.

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