Chapter Fourteen

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Joey had to drag Andy back to the house.

He had told Steve that he had to go, but that he'd stop by tomorrow. The old man nodded and looked at Andy, who had passed out. Joey nodded.

Steve smiled. "Too much Dolung." He laughed.

Joey gave him an awkward smile and waved goodbye.

Now, he and Andy collapsed on the floor.

Toby was making eggs on the old stove. They were black and shadowy.

"What animal do you get the eggs from?" Joey gasped for air.

"Normally, a small, fat bird called a Keii, but they don't live around here. So, Death Crow eggs. Supposed to be healthy and taste good," he replied.

Joey got up, his legs shaking. He grabbed Andy and started dragging him to the bedroom, hoping he didn't wake up Holly.

It was dark, too dark to see anything, so Joey set Andy down carefully on the floor and quietly tried to find a window. He knocked into a few things, and froze when he did, but he thought he did pretty good. When he reached a curtain, he moved it a little and moonlight flooded the room.

Holly was still asleep, clutching Toby's pillow as tight as she could, as if she let go, she'd never find it again.

Joey made his way back to Andy. He dragged him to the bottom bunk and used all his might to haul him up. He climbed up to his bunk and crawled under the blankets. He smiled, comfortable, and fell asleep immediately.

Joey jumped out of bed. He fell onto his back. He stayed down for a moment in pain, then got up and walked slowly to the kitchen.

"Death Crow eggs take a long time to make. Plus, I had to kill two Death Crows alone to get them. And I wasn't far from Holly, so don't worry. We should leave, but I'm too tired," Toby said as he finished his egg. "Hurry, they might get cold." He got up and nodded at three plates wrapped in tin foil. Toby rubbed his eyes.

"We really should leave, but I'm too tired, sorry. Enjoy the town, or just leave without me. Either's fine," Toby said as he started off to the bedroom.

Joey shook his head. "We need you. We don't know this place, you do."

Toby stopped, but didn't turn. "Amelia knew this place. I don't know what I'm doing. Soon, I won't be able to remember where to go next. You might be on your own." Joey nodded.

"Well, we'll wait anyways. We still need you, you know all the animals and plants," Joey said.

Toby nodded. He walked into the bedroom without saying another word.

When Toby disappeared, Andy stumbled into the hall. He groaned.

Joey pointed to the eggs. Andy took one of the plates and slid Joey another. He put the last plate in the oven.

Andy sat down next to Joey. Joey smiled at the fact that there was already a fork with his eggs.

Suddenly his smile disappeared. His mind was spinning with what happened last night. He was losing his mind.

"How did I get so drunk? It was one bottle of tequila!" Andy gasped. Joey snapped out of his trance.

"You also smoked a bunch of different plants," Joey said. "Don't worry, I asked Steve, and he said it was fine. Nothing dangerous."

Andy looked at him suspiciously. "Who's Steve?"

"The bartender," Joey answered. Andy nodded.

Joey stabbed his fork through the eggs. It was almost like water, but it didn't fall off the fork. "Hey, Andy, do you remember anything from last night?" He asked.

"No, why?" Andy groaned. "Don't tell me I did something stupid. What did I do?"

Joey laughed. "You always do something stupid when you're drunk. Nothing new." Joey brushed the hair out of his face and bit into the egg. It tasted pretty good. "But, uh, other than trying to stick your tongue down my throat, nothing."

Andy dropped his fork. He turned red. "I-I'm so sorry, Joe!"

Joey nodded. "You also told me you love me." Andy turned even redder.

"Once again, I'm so sorry! I was so wasted man! I'm sorry!" Andy said frantically.

Joey shrugged. "It's fine, Andy. You were drunk."

Andy averted his eyes away. "Y-yeah." Now Joey's mind was spinning again. He had been drunk. Hadn't he? Had to have been, he downed a whole bottle of tequila! So why did he say it like that? Does he really see me that way? Do I see him that way? 

Joey shook his head. There were more important things to worry about. He didn't deny it. Joey shook his head again and pushed the thought away.

They sat in silence, until they were done eating their eggs. Joey could guess what they were both thinking; Roxy would have loved these eggs. She would have loved the town. Would've loved the party.

Joey needed to stop thinking about it. Anything to get his mind off it. He turned to Andy.

He said the only thing that came to mind.

"So, how about that kiss?" Joey asked.

Andy looked surprised. After a second, he calmed. He laughed. "Let's just try to forget about that," he said.

"I don't want to," Joey admitted. Andy looked surprised again.

Then he nodded, understanding. "Yeah, I get it. Let's go to town."

Joey cocked his head. "You don't remember what it's called?"

Andy squinted. After a long moment, he shrugged. "Nope."

Joey laughed. "Wouldn't expect you to."

"When do we leave? I saw Toby climbing to your bunk," Andy said.

"He needs to sleep. He didn't get any rest last night," Joey replied. "We'll probably leave tomorrow morning."

"Should we wait for Holly?" Andy asked.

Joey shook his head. "I told Steve we'd come back. So, no."

Andy smiled. "That rhymed," he teased.

Joey hit him playfully. They made their way to the town.

Above the town, dragon-like creatures, Joey recognized a few, flew above the small town.

Fire, ice, flowers, rocks, and fur rained down on the outlaw town.

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