Larry - Behind uncertainty, there is a meaning

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It's not like Louis is a mean person. He just likes to test people and their limits, he likes to tease, to make fun of little things that he notices. And that, sometimes, might hurt people a lot more than he intended to.

He likes to spend some time alone in his Tattoo Shop in London, just drawing, enjoying the sound of the rain coming from outside. He likes to keep his window slightly open so he can hear it more clearly and he likes to turn the lights off, so only the sun coming from the window lights up his papers. He owns this small shop, it's not very fancy, it actually is quite unnoticed since not many people stop by, only his usual costumers. But it's his dream, he loves doing tattoos, loves drawing and marking people with his art.

Looking at him from the outside, people might think he's cold, that he doesn't really care about others. But that's not true, he's got another side of him, one that he doesn't show to many people. It's just, he's got family issues, his parents didn't accept the fact that he was gay, so they kicked him out of the house when he was 18. And he had to get away on his own, alone and scared. It left marks on him, of course it did. He's 21 now and he's doing pretty good in life, he shares a flat with Zayn, his best mate, and he's got this shop that is his dream and it's enough to pay the bills and he's got a nice car. But when it comes to his love life, it just doesn't exist. I mean, he brings some guys over sometimes to spend the night with him, so he doesn't feel so lonely, but he can't be in a relationship, he doesn't want to.

        "Hey Louis, I'm leaving"

He looks over his shoulder to a hurried Liam, struggling to get his jacket on while grabbing his phone and wallet.

        "You sure you don't mind me leaving earlier?" Liam asks, concerned.

        "Of course not, you deserve it" Louis says, the corners of his mouth slightly lifting, turning into a mischievous smile "Have fun"

Liam blushes, looking down.

        "Thanks" he mumbles, before closing the door behind him.

Louis chuckles, finding it cute how Liam gets all shy when it comes to Zayn. They're finally going on a date, after all this time. They've always been very fond of each other, but didn't have the courage to admit it.

He turns his attention back to work, continuing the drawing he'd started the night before. He's almost finishing it, when he suddenly hears a loud noise coming from the front door.

He looks up immediately, landing his eyes on a trembling boy. He's wearing a purple hoodie and his curly hair pops out from his beanie.

        "Hey" Louis shouts - eyebrows furrowed - getting up from his seat and approaching the boy.

The boy looks up at him with green wide eyes, full of tears.

Louis gasps, taking a step closer.

        "You okay?"

He seems so fragile standing there, staring at Louis with fear, and Louis doesn't know what to do. He clears his throat.

        "Are you lost? Do you want me to call your parents?" Louis asks, already taking a step back to grab his phone.

        "No, don't!"

He is taken aback by the boy's low voice, turning around to face him. He's crying in earnest now, his body convulsing with his sobs, and Louis feels so lost, he doesn't know what he should do. He can't hug him. Can he? Well, fuck.

He comes closer and pulls the fragile boy to his chest, holding him.

        "It's alright" he whispers.

Larry - Behind uncertainty, there is a meaningWhere stories live. Discover now