Dry hair shampoo and punks

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Jeremy gazed at the seat ahead of him. Evans seat. After only a day, he had gathered that Evan had pretty bad Anxiety. He wondered what Evan was up to now. Was he in his car like Jared said he would be? Was he at home? Evan didn't strike Jeremy as someone who regularly skipped class. Or skip class at all. Ever. Was he ok? Did he get himself hurt? What if he needed help and He was just sitting there in class learning about quadratic equations instead of helping him and it would be all his fault and-" "Mr.Hansen, glad you could finally make it." Jeremy's head snapped over to the door, where Evan was standing. He had his head slightly hung and walked very quickly over to his desk, mumbling a pointless explanation under his breath. He nearly knocked over a stack of books and caught it with his elbow. The class was silent for a few moments while Evan tried to re stabilize the large stack of books, Mumbling an endless stream of "sorry sorry sorry sorry..."
he finally found his seat In front of Jeremy, and sat down. Face red as a tomato. The teacher resumed class. Evans hands fidgeted with his cast. There was something....off about him. He smelled, strange. Jeremy leaned in the slightest bit and breathed in the air, immediately recoiling back and scrunching up his nose.he reeked of weed. Not even Michael smelled that much like weed when he smoked. Then again, after getting stoned, Michael never left the house without covering himself in body spray (or Camron's dry hair shampoo id that was the only option) or chewing some of his mango orange tropical blast gum. Jeremy's mind made a beeline to that afternoon. Michael holding his face in his hands. Michaels breath. Michaels eyes. Michael. Jeremy waved away the thoughts clouding his head. He was probably still just messed up after the Christene kaboodle. Anyway, What was sweet innocent Evan doing around weed? He glanced at the teacher, who was busy trying to get the projector to work. "Yo, Ev." Jeremy whispered to Evan. Evan jumped in his seat, startled by how close Jeremy was to his ear. "Dude where did you go? You reek of weed."
Evan shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I gotta, um gotta take a a shower when I get home then.
Um, I didn't uh, smoke smoke. If that's what your wondering. Cause like, I was OFFERED weed but I-I don't take it because then everyone would be Disappointed in me and then I'd have to live in my room for 20 years and never get to do anything and then I'd throw way my life but it would be better than facing a world that hates me. I mean, it's not like I have any proof that everyone dosent already secretly hate me and they are just being polite but-" "Evan. Bud I'm gonna stop you there. I believe you. You didn't smoke. Also, even if you did, people wouldn't be Dissapointed or hate you. And nobody hates you secretly, and..." Jeremy trailed off as he watched two drops of blood trickle down Evans temple. "Evan where The hell did you go? Your bleeding!" "Ah, nonono I'm fine it's ok. I'm ok. Jeremy don't worry." Evan was now turned fully turned around in his seat by now. "Jeremy. I-I hate to ask favors of people. But can you like.......not say say anything about this? It would mean a lot." Evan looked down, embarrassed. "Yeah, sure man. Absolutely"

"So then he said not to tell anyone. Like, how suspicious is that?!" Michael nodded in agreement. "What do you think he was up to?" Jeremy and Michael were walking to the gymnasium for a meeting with the councilor. The first of many to come. "I donno man." Michael ran a hand through his hair. "He dosent seem to strike me as someone who would smoke. I don't think he was lying about that. But I'm honestly more concerned about his head. You said there was blood?" "Yeah," Jeremy scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. "What kind of trouble did he get himself into?" Michael took a breath in and was about to answer when the gymnasium doors burst open. An old-ish lady walked out. Hells clicking on the floor. "Jeremy Here? Michael Mell?" Has have a stern look, arms crossed. Michael put his hands in the air "Unless you have solid photo evidence I didn't do it." Jeremy stifled a laugh. "You two. Gym. Now." She jerked a thumb over her shoulder. When The duo entered the gym, there were 8 folding chairs, 3 of them were filled. There was a boy with dreadlocks, and tie dye socks, a girl with lip piercings, a tattoo of a snake, and hat head that was half shaved. Then there was a tall boy with dark hair, in a long black trenchcoat. Jeremy and Michael found their seats. The teacher took out a large binder, and began to write. There were a few moments of awkward scilence before the councilor turned her attention to the teens in front of her."now, do you all know why your here today?" Nobody moved nobody said anything. The clock ticks echoed throughout the gyms walls. The councilor sighs, "ok great. I take it you do. Now, let's talk about WHY you felt you needed to partake in drugs. Could it be emotional? Something at home? Something at school? Something..."

This was going to be a loooong year

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