TWDG Trailer

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so today is umm.. THURSDAY THE 17 YES! so those of you who are like me and have been waiting for the walking dead season 2 episode 4 admid the ruins should also know about the tweets saying the trailer will be released today. Why is this a big deal you might ask? BECAUSE THE VOICE ACTOR OF CLEMENTINE AND KENNY BOTH CRIED BUT FOR DIFFERENT REASONS AND JOB.J STAUFFER SAID WE MIGHT HATE HIM FOR THE TEXT HE PUT AT THE END OF THE TRAILER AND APPARENTLY HE CRIED NEAR THE END AND THE TRAILER IS COMING OUT TODAY AND IM SITTING HERE WATING FOR THE CLOCK TO TURN TO 10:00 CAUSE THATS WHEN IT COMES OUT FOR ME AND I AM SO SCARED BUT HAPPY AT THE SAME TIME!


Sorry about that I'm just super pumped xD but I'm releasing a professor Layton book called "new" soon and don't worry the main character isn't a princess and the story doesn't exactly involve love but more of a "believe in yourself and you can do anything you put your mind to" kind of story. so yeah stay tuned for that :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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