Deaths plan

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The Reaper dressed in white wrapping such as an Egyptian mummy, covering his skeletal appearance while wearing a black robe. His spine extends and. moves like the head of a serpent as he peers into the crowd of mortals. As he watches he sharpens his scythe so he can take the soul from the mortal as quickly as possible. As he finishes sharpening the blade he spots an elderly soul that is ready for the taking. So Death spreads the rugged black feathered wings and swoops down like a vulture. With the quickest and smoothest motion, he swings the scythe. As he inspects the soul he sees something interesting. That it is only a half. He only remembers one other incident that the soul was a half. Three weeks before this he had taken an elderly man while he was in the hospital. He had kept the soul to try to find the other half. He finally had. He takes the half and places it against the newest soul and the snap together like two magnets. As they had snapped together they had grown twice the size of a normal soul and started to float away from Death. Death was interested in this so he consumed it to see how much power he would gain. As he consumed the soul, he felt himself growing stronger, faster, he had grown a blood lust for the souls of the innocent. This is when Death knew, he needed more.

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