Chapter 1: The Beginning

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When did it come to this?
When did it become so complicated?

I remember when we were were just innocent children, unaware of the cruelty of reality...
[FlashBack Start]
—Cora's P.O.V.—

I sat against the cherry blossom tree in the royal garden, reading a book. Soft violet flowers were growing around me, creating a nice, shaded bed of petals for me to sit on.
"Coral!" Eredis called.
"Yeah, Adira?"
We always just called each other by our nicknames, even though father insisted that we should call each other by our proper names, Cora and Eredis.
"Want to go take a walk by the river before father calls me back for gown fitting?"
"Of course!"
I closed my book and laid it down on the flower bed, dusting the stray petals off my ankle low violet gown.
"Let's go then!"

—Eredis' P.O.V.—

    Finally! A break from classes and preparation for the coronation! I'm literally only 16, so the actual coronation is in two years! Why we prepare now is a mystery to me.

    The river was beautiful as usual, with clear, slow moving water, and the reflective surface showing the sun and trees above.
    "Yes Coral?"
    "I need to tell you something..."
    "What is it?"
    "Meet me in the underground caves, Mt. Ebott"
    "... alright, tomorrow night..."

The Following Night...

—Cora's P.O.V.—
    'When is she going to be here'
    I anxiously tapped my foot while thinking about what to say. I needed to tell her that I think the kingdoms are in danger. The humans have been killing boss monsters for their souls, then blaming the monsters for attacking them. No... she won't understand. All she cares about is the throne, that power hungry brat! Why does she have to be just like the rest of humanity, selfish... She probably doesn't even care about me! Let alone her subjects. Why can't I have the throne? Why does she get it? It's so unfair!
    I put my thoughts on hold when I hear footsteps, followed by—
    "SORRY I'M LATE!!"
    Did she have to shout?! Right after she reached me?! Ugh, I need to get this over with, even though I don't want to talk to her. Even in my thoughts I spit out the words like poison.
    "Do you ever think about the future?" I asked, curiosity, worry, and a hint of jealousy still present in my tone
    "Do you mean the coronation? Of course I think about it, how could I not? It is my fu-"
    Really Eredis? Your future? Selfish little...
    "No. Not just your future. The future of the Kingdom, kingdoms!"
    Well what?!
    "Listen to me! Why do you always do this? Why don't you ever think about anything other than yourself!? About me...? I can't deal with it anymore!"
"Cora, I...I...!"
"You what?! I-I...I have to go!"
    My voice fails me as tears streamed down my face. Was I really that close to breaking the whole time? So fragile and jealous that it only took a few words from Eredis for me to snap? I can't handle this. I just can't.
"Cora wait!" I heard Eredis' faint call echoing off the walls as I escape into the familiarly complicated cave systems of waterfall. I squeezed my eyes shut in a useless attempt to shut out my tears, emotions, everything.
    But then...
    "Ow!" I yelled at the dark silhouette in front of me as it—he- held out a hand.
    "Need some help?" He said apologetically.
    "Thanks..." I just ran into him and he's being apologetic?
    "Sorry about that sir...?"
    "Oh! My name is ₴ℌѦ℘℮" He said, spreading his bat-like wings behind him.
    "Nice to meet you...▟▔▂▉▉█"

One Year Later...

—Eredis' P.O.V.—
After that things only went downhill. Me and Cora would fight. Harshly. It was obvious she was jealous of my right to the the throne, I mean, my name was literally derived from the Latin word for heir. But one day, she suddenly cut off all contact with me. It was worrying to say the least, especially with the Kingdom bordering on war. Heck, they had to move the coronation up two years because of bad relations with monsters! I just hope she's alright...

—Cora's P.O.V.—

    Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod! What the actual f**k ЅӉДҏЄ! I'm freaking out here...
    "Relax Cory!"
    My lover's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I stopped using my nickname Coral after having a fallout with my sister. Eredis. I didn't care anymore though. I found love. But this was not the time for these thoughts.
    "How can I relax when something like this just happened! I was prepared for the heartbreak of having a stillborn, not the unpredictability of a baby! Our baby! Our... hybrid baby..."
    My voice was quiet, the worry in my voice obviously not supporting the intended anger in my words.
    "Listen, your family wi—"
    "My family!?"
    I still kept my voice down as to not wake the baby, but this time, my anger was evident.
    "We cannot tell my family anything! They will kill the baby" We didn't name her yet... "Kill you, and possibly kill me!"
    "Then we hide here." He said simply. He always was so calm... this old mansion will do, I suppose, since it's in the middle of the woods and we already have multiple servants here.
"Then it's settled. I'll cut off communication with everyone and hide here with you until she," I made a hand gesture towards the baby. "Grows up. We teach her to hide her... unique abilities from there."

Three years of successful hiding later...

—Eredis' P.O.V.—

    I know she is alive. And I finally found where she's hiding.

    Human-Monster relations are terrible as ever and I will soon be the one forced to deal with it. Coronation day is in three weeks. I had hoped my sister would be there, but she continued her disappearing act. At this point I think she just wants attention. *sigh* I know where she's hiding. But she won't be able to hide much longer.

    "Forward! Surround the building!"
    I stood in front of a large wood themed mansion, where my sister was hiding. Royal guards surrounded the building.
Wait! What is that?! A child?! She's only 14!!! She didn't... did she...? NO! She didn't. It's someone else's child. Not her's and her monster boyfriend's kid. I always disapproved of monsters, so I'm sure she just dated one to get on my nerves. And I'm sure that her disappearance 9 months after she moved in with him was just a coincidence too. Just a coincidence.

//(1098 words in the story)(1179 words counting these notes) Thank you for reading my version of HybridTale, based on an extensive talk with katerinamonteil who made this AU.
This chapter was written and will be illustrated by No_One_Noone
Note: Chapters will always be over 1000 words, not including authors notes. Unless I can't think of any more words, since each chapter is planned(that just means that I think to myself 'chapter 1 will end with the baby being born')\\

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