Chapter 3: Welcome to the Underground

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Dark...Darker...Yet Darker...
The Darkness Keeps Growing
The Shadows Cutting Deeper
Photon Readings Negative
This Next Experiment...
What Do You Think?
WARNING—Memory Corrupted—WARNING

And the story begins...

—???'s P.O.V.—

"look! there they are! i knew something fell down!" My toddler said. Sans said something fell down, but this?!
"A human..."
"it's a human?" Sans does know what humans are right?
"humans can die right? and this human just fell right? so it should be dead right? why isn't it dust if it's dead?"
"Sans don't talk about death so casually," *sigh*
"And... humans don't dust."
"ok... but dead humans do talk right?"
"the dead human was talking! that's normal right? right?"
    Oh SH*T!
    I ran over to the fallen child and checked their pulse. What the heck? It's alive... but how? It certainly looks like a human child, and it definitely just fell over 300 feet into the underground. Ok that's not important thing, I have to get this human to Home. Asgore sucks at naming stuff. 
    "dad? what are you doing" Sans asked as I picked up the toddler.
    "We have to take this human to the hospital. Come."
    "i thought that dead things couldn't come back to life."
    "*sigh* It's not dead Sans. Dead things don't talk. Now hurry along, this human is low health."
    We talked while moving as I answered some of the questions in his never ending stream of curiosity. Ugh, why do 4 1/2 year olds have to talk all the time?! (Sans' friends are all his age)
    "are we there yet?"
    "Yes, it's right in front of us."  Oh my god he was literally staring at the building while he asked that. I speed walked inside since the human was waking up. After all, it might be a little weird to be carried by a skeleton. Especially one with a cracked skull wearing a lab coat...
    I walked into my lab, which also functioned as a doctor's office.
    *cough cough*
    *sharp gasp*
    "are you ok human?"
    The human continued to squeeze their eyes shut and cough for a good amount of seconds before their eyes snapped open and they quickly shot up.
    "Relax, it's ok,"
    I tried to calm them down and it was surprisingly effective. She immediately calmed down and looked at me with big red-orange eyes, her strawberry blonde hair drooping behind her.
     "Thank you for saving me mister."
   'she can talk?! But she looks like a three year old!'
    Before I had time to ask, she was rummaging through the bag I hadn't noticed before. Wait what? There's a bag? Ok nevermind that bag that just appeared out of seemingly nowhere, who is this kid?
    "Sorry if I confused you," she said while eating some trail mix and looking at Sans curiously. I noticed that the backpack had disappeared.
    "What?" I know for a fact that I wasn't making a confused face, and besides, she wasn't looking at me.
    "I can feel it. Can't you also feel how I'm feeling? That's a thing that people do. Right?"
    "But only monsters can do that, and only with other monsters. You're a human."

~Artemis' P.O.V.~

    "What's a human?" The word sounds really familiar...
    "You're a human. Feel your heartbeat. (Note:Artie looks like a human, but can also do monster things, Flowey things, and other things. Her physical body structure is more like a monster's as she has a soul beat, not a heartbeat, as she doesn't bleed) See? It's beating. Monsters have soul beats. They sound the exact same except souls pump magic and hearts pump blood. Monsters also don't have blood. I would show 'you what blood is, but you're surprisingly unscathed, and clean, for a child that just fell several hundred feet."
    "What?" What was he talking about? Unscathed? I don't get it.
    "Oh... let's start over, simpler. My name is Dr. W.D. Gaster" He noticed my confusion.
    "Umm, hi! I'm..." Who am I again? Why can't I remember? Why is what happened before I fell so fuzzy...?


"Hey Artie, Cora!" Said a black, winged figure on top of a nearby hill. The voice was familiar, a man.
"Coming!" Said a voice next to me. I wobbled closer to the winged figure, holding the other person's hand.
"You're doing great Artemis! Such a fast learner!"
I smiled and looked up at her shadowed figure. I couldn't make out her face because the sun was right behind it, but I knew she was a girl, rather, woman.
"Thanks m...
Memory Corrupted
[FlashBack Forced End]
    "Hello?" Gaster's voice brought me back to reality.
    "What? Oh yeah, I'm Artemis!" Where did I learn that? I don't remember. Or did I? Uh...
    "hi artemis!" Said... what's his name?
    "Hi Sans! And Gaster."
(Monsters have floating text boxes, pictures will be added to explain it better by next week(possibly earlier))
    "Sans why do you speak in only small letters?"
    "That's just something he inherited from his Font family ancestors."
    "Font? Ancestors? Inherited? What's that mean?"
    "Font is our last name, and ancestors are like people who were alive in your family before you. To inherit is to get something. *sigh*"
    "Ok" Family...? I shook off my confusion and returned to my thoughts. He sounded like he was used to answering a ton of questions, even though he really looked somewhat annoyed by all of them.
    "daaaad! i wanna go home. i'm huuuunnnngggrrryyyy!" Home? Sounds so familiar, but why? I need to know...
    "Can I come with you?"
    "Of course! I was just about to suggest that actually. You have nowhere to go right? You can live with us!" Gaster is so nice! First he healed me, then he lets me live with him! I followed him out of the building and then we teleported to somewhere snowy white. I thought we were underground? Snow comes from the sky... is there a sky underground?
    "Welcome to your new home, Snowdin!"

[FlashBack End =)]

//Thanks for reading chapter 3! All of the rewriting is done. 1003 words in the story, 1040 words including this end message. AU by katerinamonteil ,  written and will be illustrated by No_One_Noone ,  stay determined til next chapter!\\

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