i: The Discovery of the Witch

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the discovery of the witch

     QUINN WIDENED THE palm of her hand and hovered it over the candle before watching the flame appear

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QUINN WIDENED THE palm of her hand and hovered it over the candle before watching the flame appear. Quinn sighed as she stood up from her seat, the flame still lit. This was all new to her. The 'magic' as she liked to call it was an accidental recent discovery. She honestly didn't mean to read her mother's old diaries. It was an honest mistake. She simply didn't notice the words 'ADRIENNE ALLARD'S DIARY - PRIVATE!' written on the front cover.

Quinn simply thought that inside would hold her deepest darkest secrets and about how she snuck out that one time to hang out with her boyfriend and go to a party. Something stupid like that. Spells and incantations were not one of the things that crossed her mind. If anything, when Quinn first read it she thought that her mother must've been high when she wrote it. It seemed to be the most logical thing - or else her mother was crazy and believed that Hogwarts existed.

Although, after finding out her mother's secret, she did feel like Hermione Granger for a while - minus the wand. Quinn has been non-stop studying her mom's diary - if anything it was more a spell book, but considering it also mentioned how her mother found out and blah, blah, blah, Quinn considers it a diary. Literally, the top of page three in her mom's diary read the words: 'LIST OF SPELLS!'

After a while of trying to figure out what the actual fuck was going on, Quinn figured out that maybe something real was happening here and maybe she could do the same. Although she felt ridiculous trying to utter the Latin words that were written on the page, she soon managed to get the pronunciation of them and now can kind of memorise and stutter out something before getting confused and feeling like an idiot.

The entire process of learning 'magic' was long and boring. It was mainly boring because she couldn't tell anyone, obviously, people would think she needed to be sent to a mental hospital or that she needed to stop reading the Harry Potter books before it got to her head, thinking that she was actually the next Hermione Granger.

Quinn felt more alone than ever before. At first she thought that it would be a great idea to try and help people, be the next Scarlet Witch, but that failed because either it was too late or she said the wrong incantation and rather than blast them away she either caused a mini earthquake, causing all of New York to freak the fuck out, or the spell backfired and all of a sudden she was backed up into a wall.

If anything, Quinn felt stupid. She honestly thought that she could make something good out this abomination that has cursed her life. But, no, if anything she just made everything worse by trying to help. At first, she kept repeating the same words to herself, 'At least you tried, right?', which made her feel crazy because she wasn't just saying it in her head. No. She was saying it aloud causing people to give her odd looks.

The freakish thing was that a month after she had discovered her powers, a new superhero was roaming the skies, swinging from webs and attempting to help people in a onesie. Quinn thought that it was adorable at first but now, she was just curious as to who the hell he or she was and how they could become best friends.

A KIND OF MAGIC, peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now