my first crush

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Technically I can call this my first CRUSHES because I was a thot in elementary school. Just low-key. I liked a boy in kindergarten, a few different ones in first grade, and one from second to sixth grade. LETS. GET. IT.

When I was a young thing in Kindergarten, I had a boy in my Kindergarten homeroom named Nico. Nico was by far the most desired boy in my entire grade. He had blonde wavy hair that just barely swooped above his brow. Nico was tan and athletic with blue eyes like the sea. Everyone loved him. Including me as a five year old. He barely knew I far as I knew anyways. He always had HoEs lined up. I remember that there was this girl named Julie that he was also rather fond of., but I knew I had the benefit of being in Nico's homeroom. So HAHA JULIE! I ended up SnAtChInG her man in the end but I didn't exactly know it. I do remember one time during carpool I draped myself over Nico's shoulder and I said something I forgot what but it was something to do with Julie and I. Nico responded with, " Well, you AND Julie are my girlfriends.". Miss Steal Your Man right here!1!!1!! My mom alerted me when I was much older that Nico thought I was the most beautiful thing to grace the planet. He thought Julie was garbage compared to me apparently. He would go home to his mother and tell her all afternoon and all night how much he was literally in love with me. Nico told his mother that my eyes were his favorite color(green)and that my blonde curly hair was like spun gold. Yeah, that love sick five year old boy said spun gold. Spun gold.

In first grade, I left the christian private school I went to for Kindergarten and off to the local public school where I found one of the boys I had known my entire life named Joseph. He was practically bald, had a hearing problem and we never saw or talked to each other ever even though our moms were friends. I don't remember liking him very long but there was another boy that was the son of someone my dad worked with and went to high school with's son named Maddox who I spent a lot of time around because our parents were TIGHT. Maddox would come and swim at our pool in the summer and his and Kate's birthdays were literally on the same day or something and his younger twin sisters Vevey and Madelyn had a birthday right next to mine so our birthdays were always spent together. I remember whenever Maddox, Vevey and Madelyn would come over to my house I would have like six outfit changes so I looked like a SnAcK for Maddox. We started a "band" where I sang lead and Maddox, Kate, Vevey and Madelyn did whatever. I kid y'all not I would wear the same 3 outfits EVERY SINGLE TIME I ever saw Maddox. Outfit one was when I was feeling like looking like a BaDdIe. I would wear this skin tight red v-neck shirt and the sleeves came down to my elbows and I guess I liked this shirt because it made me look like I had boobs and don't ask me why I was even concerned about that as a seven year old. I would pair that hoe with some grandma shorts(bermuda shorts)that were literally so gross. AND THEN to complete the outfit with a staple item to all my outfits I wore was these shiny red flats that made me feel like I was looking FRESH. Outfit two was if I was feeling like a classy gal and going out to dinner with Maddox's family or something. It was this dress from a line of Hannah Montana clothing and the dress was light pink and had sequins all over the top of it and I wore that thing EVERYWHERE. I would then use this fake makeup my grandparents got me for christmas that was literally just lipgloss. It made me feel classy, cute and poppin. Our final outfit was for when I was in my little band with Maddox, Vevey, Kate and Madelyn. It was this very ugly Hannah Montana tee shirt with some white bermuda shorts and this hot pink sequined hat. SNACK ATTACK!! I never found out if he ever liked me back but since I made every effort to make sure he thought I was poppin, I'm sure he did.

Finally, in second grade I moved to Atlanta and met this boy named Lance who was a poppin boy at the time. He was every second grade girl's dream boy. He was blonde, tan, fastest runner in the class, football player, blue eyes and could make you laugh. Lance lowkey hated me so much. I was weird and annoying and hardly ever spoke to him. His dad however thought I was just a doll which made me uncomfy but its cool, Cliff. Anywho, I liked Lance from second to sixth grade. Here is a live action journal entry from me talking about Lance in second grade.


Today at lunch me, Leigh Anne, Lance and Wilson talked about crushes. And I found out who loves Leigh Anne! It is Lance! Lola likes Nate! And best of all is Alli P. and Ethan R. were dating! So if they marry, Fawn and Leigh Anne will be sisters! Last monday, Davis and Destiny are dating that night!

P.S. Wilson put his right hand over my head! Yesterday, Fawn told me "when a boy does that to a girl it means he likes you" I think Wilson likes me! Nobody knows my secret! Ms. Chris likes Mr. V! Olivia and Kyle L-O-V-E each other. They want to marry! Crazy huh? Friday night I listened to Footloose over 50 times! Jump and Hung-Up over 20 times! That day Ana dared me to k-i-s-s him(Wilson)I did not!

Although in that entry I did not express my love for this boy, you can kind of see that I was just slightly jealous of my friend Ana. Just a little. I remember in sixth grade I wrote a song to the tune of "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift about Lance and how he was dating this girl I became friends with. Yeah, I hate me too. I finally "told" Lance I liked him because I became friends with his ex named Belle. Belle came to my youth group one day when I was a sixth grader with my literal enemy Miri Goodwin. I told Belle and Miri about my humongous crush on that dude Lance and Belle was like "Oh! I can Kik him and ask if he likes you!" so I stupidly agreed to let her do this because I was absolutely positive he was in love with me. LOL NO. Belle sent him a picture of me where I looked mega gross bc it was of me right then and there. I remember exactly what I looked like. I had on yellow jeggings that we too short, a light blue button up(buttoned up all the way), black Keds, my curls were all brushed out, i had way too much lip gloss and i looked like I had three eyelashes. She showed him me and after service was over, Belle was so kind enough to inform me that he thought I was weird and that I blush too much. Your loss boo lol. 

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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