Starting Over

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I held her tightly in my arms, choking back sobs as i shut my eyes and tried to wish everything better. I fought the overwhelming urge to cry, to scream out my sorrows, to devlar my loss. Her breathing had finally stopped and i could no longer hear her blood pooling in her lungs. I looked down at her empty face, those blanke eyes, her ded expression. She'd never smiled again.

Her cold blue lips would never split in laughter, never speak another dirty joke. She had been so energetic, she brought life into the house. She'd be just another kid. Her strawberry blonde hair brightening the day and her green eyes glittered in the sun. THe same eyes that commanded power in the moonlight.

I could smell the forest on her clothing and flesh. The smell thick from the last hunt. Her last hunt. She was gone and she was never coming back i held her while she bled to death from the thick gashes across her stomach and face. Id held her but i had done nothing to comfort her in her last hour.

I'd spent the last hour crying, panicking and desperately trying to save her life. I pushed the blanket onto her wounds in desperation. A part of me knew that she wasn't ever going to make it. I just couldn't believe that I was actually going to lose her, she was everything, a light in the dark, she was all I had, ever. So Selfishly I had cried and cursed begging her to stay with me. I told her i couldn’t lose her,that if i did i would lose myself, I'd wrapped her wounds with her bedsheet, taking care to rip them into long strips and tie them as tight as i dared on er waist.

I knew it the moment i'd found her lying in a pool of her own blood,.Once punctured interested smelled terrible, and i know the smell from the few hunts i'd been on. Let stubbornly and childishly i begged her desperately not to leave me. I told her to stay with me forever . I can't imagine the guilt she must have felt. SHe know she was gone. There was nothing anyone could do about it. So while i cried and begged for her to stay she quietly whispered  that it would be okay, And that she'd never really be gone.

She reached her apil bloodless fingers to my cheeks and brushed my tears away, smiling brightly up at me. I don't know if she kept andy pain or fear from her face as she smiled. I can't imagine her panic. Even thought she was the one bleeding int death. She what the one dying.  I didn nothing to comfort her and her bed sheets must have done little more then increase her pain and then when the tortuous process of her death.

The gashes took up all of her torso, almost her whole body had deep bleeding wounds from her chest the her waist. The shreds of clothes stained in blood did nothing more then gives the wounds farther. She must have been in extreme pain, unimaginable pain, and ye, through the long hour of me tending to her wounds and crying, she always kept a bright smile on her until the very end, when she whispered my name and told me with a weak voice that she loved me and was so proud of the beautiful young lady i'd become. Shed handed me her necklace when i'd first come into the room and gently touched it with her long fingers.

“Stay safe”She whispered to me. “And always be true to yourself.” And then she'd given me one last beautiful smile before her facial expressions melted away, and her breathing stopped... And she was gone.

My mother was dead. I stopped holding back sobs as i leaned over her, hugging her close while her body still held some warmth to it, the air was thick with the smell of blood, her blood. The smell almost masking the subtle smell of magic> The fougen smell maybe my blood boil in anger. Whoever had killed my mother had left the smell. I would find them and they would pay.

My body shook, I wanted to cry out. I wanted to scream at the mon. I wanted her. I wanted to howl into the morning. Yet i stayed silent other than my choking sobs that escapes my lips. Only wolves cry to the moon. I was no wolf. I stared down and her and i sobbed, shutting my eyes and crying my wails cleaning threw my throat and the rest of the world fell away.

I don't know how long i sat there. waiting and sobbing over my mothers cold body . ANd i don't know how long i would have cried for. My sobs were interrupted by my father, he burst through the door, much to late. His instincts kicking in and his will to protect us was rolling off his posture in waves. His eyes were a relative yellow, showing his wolf hidden beneath. He smelt of wood, the strong smell was a clear indicator of his want to let the change overtake him.

My father's huge build made him intimidating to those who knew and and to whose who didn't. My father was the top Alpha to form one of the largest packs ever known. To leave that many werewolves had hand to be strong. He dhand to be powerful. He had to be cold. Honestly? My father terrified me. He'd never wanted a girl and thought he had three other children all of them boys he had always treated me less.

I looked up at my father, and all i wanted was him to hold me, to protect me as i cried. To lie to me and tell me its Okay as mother had done. My chest hurt from crying and i felt out of energy. I felt out of tears. My father did not come to hold me. He didn't open his arms to me, just started at us, at mother. His eyes full of shock as he stared down at his wife. His yellow eyes shifted back to their normal ice blue for a moment before they flickered towards me.

The ice blue was swallowed by a hateful yellow. He stepped swiftly across the room and i felt a twinge of terror and panic run through me. But the feeling quickly left me as i hoped he was going to put me behind him and protect me from a long gone attacker. My dreams and home were quickly shattered as he grabbed me by my long white hair and yanked me off the floor. Away from my mother. Fire screamed across my skull as my hair held my body weight and my body ached as i thudded against the far wall. I crumpled to the ground like a rag doll. My skull screaming and my body throbbing. I gasped in air and looked at my father.

He bent over my mother and kneeling by her body inhaled deeply, sampling the smell, searching for the killers sent. I had tried to do the save but the killer had left no trace, and no scent. The magic tint to the air had told me that the killer had likely removed his smell by using magic. I was the only suspect, the only other sent in the room. My heart dropped. Terror shot through me. My heart began speeding up. I could only hope somehow, that my father wouldn't suspect me.

His head whipped around to face me. His body tensed and eyes ragin. Betrayal, he thought i'd killed my own mother and betrayed the pack. He smelt so story of blood and wood. I was shocked that the change hadn't taken him yet. His accusing eyes had me cowering lover to the ground. My father let out a vicious snarl and i felt a pure instinctual fear. And insane fear that left me light headed. To men, my fathers towe most trusted me rushing into the room, both took in the situation with wild eyes and deep breath. Both looked at me shocked, betrayed eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2012 ⏰

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