My hero

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Whilst I was running I could still hear the footsteps becoming louder then I fell.


As my eyes flickered open I could make out a face with a balaclava on then I heard a slow, calm voice whisper "you look nice" then " you are coming with me beautiful." My ankle hurt way to much to even attempt moving it.

Then I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me quickly and someone shout

"oi you! get off of her now!"

The scary man with a balaclava ran away whilst a blond boy came over, he looked familiar but I was to tired to function his eyes where so dreamy his hair was pushed back. He said

"Are you ok?" i answered

Yh I'm fine thanks." There was a eerie silence then he said that he was going to take me to the cafe. So I walked by his side with no shoes on moaning about my ankle. He offered to take me to the hospital, I said it wasn't that bad then we turned the corner, there was the cafe.

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