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walking down the aisle, she glanced around at the familiar faces of friends and family, acquaintances and siblings. they nodded in return to her flashy smile as her arm was closely linked with a tall boy that strode beside her. his hand gently squeezed her forearm, looking at her as he emitted a gentle and loving aura. a deep flush rose to her cheeks as she found herself tearing her gaze away from the boy to her side and back down to the floor. 

"the day has finally come," she thought.

she laid eyes upon the man that she loved, and he shot a wink in her direction. it seemed almost miles away till she reached the altar, thus making her butterflies increase and her heart pound erratically.

the sound of her white heels clicking on the church floor tiles made her nervous, sickeningly even. she would normally feel utterly self-conscious when walking in a quiet space and the only sound to exist was her heels, but she had to push that thought away to make her temples stop throbbing. after months of planning, the day has arrived and she didn't know whether to puke, cry, or laugh.

"i've known this boy almost all my life... i've loved him for as long, too. my best friend, my everything, my whole world." her head ached from all the thoughts swirling in her mind.

as she approached closer, she turned on her heels making the way to her spot next to the other bridesmaids. several murmurs sounded as the pianist started playing the traditional wedding song and the doors slowly opened, a beautiful young woman stepping out alongside her father, ready to be married to the man of her dreams.

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