Untitled Part 7

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Raven was now following her orders to the T now she knew what this person was capable of .she too was once capable of taking life ,but now she felt weak ,alone and depressed she wished she could rewind and stop herself from doing it in the first place at the time she was being greedy and selfish and she didn't care about the consequences.

She was now on her way to Sarah's house well Allison's house well no-ones house really. Today was the day she was going to meet the mystery person face to face. 

When she got to the house the door was unlocked and it was a complete mess ,but then again she wasn't exactly expecting the cleanest house going after what happened.she sat and waited occasionally looking up. Raven looked up again and flinched because now staring at her was youthful young man. He had hate in his green eyes and his blonde hair was dishevelled and he stared at Raven with anger and hate.

Raven stood up ,but backed away as she felt uncomfortable  by his presence he stared at her then started smiling then he began to laugh ,but Raven was more puzzled than she had ever been. He began to talk :"so you're the woman who i'm going to kill" ,but Raven was not shocked by this just scared. 


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