Innocent Rose

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Disclaimer:     I do not own Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, no matter how much I wish I did. I also do not own any of the characters. I do, however, own Andúne, Raida, Castien, Aniel, and Silaina. Please don't steal.


     When I think about the crappy romance novels that my mother used to read I can't help but to laugh. I could never imagine that a person would read them let alone write them. One in particular really had me riled up. I really can't remember the title at this moment, but I can give you the basic plot synopsis. Girl sees guy, freaks out when Guy looks at her. The keep bumping into each other everywhere they go and Girls can't keep him out of her thoughts even though she doesn't even know his name. Eventually after a really embarrassing accident in an overly populated area, Guy helps Girl out and then they lock eyes and everything falls into place. Are you rolling you’re eyes yet? Don’t worry I don’t blame you for it even one bit. I hate it too.

     This is not going to be a story like that, there is no way I could ever compare the craziness that my life has turned out to be in these past five years to the way that terribly written, poor excuse for a plot line. I’m not going to lie to you there are some terribly sappy moments during this tale, as well as some extremely angsty moments and some utterly depressing times just to make you feel so spirited. This tale is mainly told through my eyes and because of that, well I’m going to be biased against some people, it happens there isn’t much I can do to keep it out of my voice. I really don’t like some of the people that I have met and others I love with all of my heart. For that reason every now and then my teacher will interject her thoughts into the fold. She has a way of telling it like it is and giving me a reality check. I definitely want you guys to realize the full scope of the situation before you pass judgment. So I guess that we could just jump right on into it, huh?

      There are kids that completely hate their parents; there are others who love them so completely that they can’t function like a normal human being without them. I am perhaps somewhere in the middle. I have felt neither love nor hate for either of my parents; after all, I have never once seen them in my whole entire life.  They “died,” sometime after I was born, or so I’ve been told. It’s been just me and my sister for a while now, my dead-beat sister left us when we were little to fend for ourselves and we’ve been on our own ever since. That was a long time ago, though. Anyway my brother, Castien, has been taking care of us since he was ten, and I, 4. At first it was hard, since there was no one around we were force to survive on our own.  Add to that the fact that I was unable to aid him, and we were pretty bad off right from the start.

     It got better though, with time. Eventually it came to our attention that Castien had ungodly strength, he could pick up things at least 4 times his small size. He could do a lot more jobs after we realized this.  Things didn’t become much better, unfortunately. Being on our own we weren’t educated, there wasn’t much Castien could teach me beyond basic phrases and survival skills. Still we managed. By the time Castien was 15 and I was 9, we learned that the land we had been living in was called Hatari. We were on the outskirts, where no one resided, and it wasn’t until I ran too deep into the forest that we learned that the two of us weren’t the only beings inhabiting these lands.

     I met my first laguz that day. Hiding in the shadows of one of the larger trees in the forest, I saw what had to be the hugest dogs that I had ever seen in my short life. Seeing it left me in such awe that I failed to realize that I had caught its attention. I couldn’t keep myself from moving towards to it, and as I did I remember its head shot up and looked directly at me. In my childish naivety and despite all of the survival skills my brother tried to drill into my head, I didn’t run away or cower in fear. I simply smiled at it. I realize now that if I was anywhere but in Hatari, I would’ve been killed instantly. Instead the wolf walked towards me, sniffed at me cautiously, and then transformed in front of my very eyes.

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