Forest Meetings

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Disclaimer:    I do not own Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, no matter how much I wish I did. I also do not own any of the characters. I do, however, own Andúne, Raida, Castien, Aniel, and Silaina. Please don't steal

They called this land Tellius, and Rafiel assured me that it was a wonderful place. So far, I was unimpressed by what I had seen.  After coming out of the desert, we entered into a land called Begnion. I was forced to do all of the talking since Raida was still fairly unfamiliar with speaking the language. The people we met at the market were fairly nice. They were quick to point out the inn and sites when I explained that Raida and I were travelers on our first visit to this country. I suppose it helped that they still used gold as currency and that we had plenty of it.

I liked the town for the most part. It was larger than where Castien and I grew up, but definitely smaller than the Hatarian Capital. We spent about five days in the town before we continued on the way. We passed by several towns on our trip to see the Begnion Capital, Sienne. Each passing town grew less and less friendly. They also seemed to be more extravagant and snooty. Hatari had its issues with the wealthy and the poor, but the differences in money here startled me. On one side of the towns, it was beautiful, pristine and overly clean. On the other side, they lived on the streets or in barely standing houses. As far as I could see Tellius was a less than ideal place to live for most of the population. Raida reminded me that I had to reserve my judgment, since Tellius was a large land, and we had probably only seen a fraction of it.

Still, my opinion would hardly be changed, especially with what happened in Sienne.

While it’s still day, we should find the nearest inn.” Though Raida may have been speaking to you, she never once looked you in the eye. Well, unless you angered her. I think most people found it odd. Since she was rather lacking in height, standing at an impressive 5’5” (taller than myself, and she never let me forget it) she always had to look up to those who spoke to her. However, rather than look into your eyes, she would look off to the side or at your forehead. Weird, but after four years I hardly ever took notice of it anymore.

“I suppose. We can ask that merchant over there.” I waited until Raida grunted her consent – I’m not sure why she did that, she was hardly a woman of few words- then made my way over to the merchant stall. “Would you mind telling us where we can find an inn?”

The man, tall, burly and terribly ugly, looked us up and down before gruffly responding, “I think an inn in the west side of the city would better suit the two of you.”

The disdain in his voice was very apparent, especially to Raida, who knew perfectly well what he was saying though she still had trouble speaking the modern tongue. The tone alone was enough to incite her, even if she could not understand the modern language.

Look you jackass, who the-

“Even though we don’t look like it, we have the money to rent two rooms, sir.” I had to intervene fast in order make sure Raida didn’t cut the poor man’s throat. He was looking at Raida as though she were possessed, but as soon as I open the bag containing our gold his eyes lit up.

“Well why didn’t you say so,” his face looked greedy as he peered into the bag, and there was discernible disappointment when I closed it and placed it back into my carrying bag. “Do you see the building with the red roof?”

“The one behind the fountain?” The building was hard to miss. After all there was large sign that said ‘Inn” on it. I felt pretty damn stupid for not seeing it earlier.

 “Yes, they will be quite happy to accommodate the two of you during your stay.” His eyes gleamed in the light. “If the two of you would be needing any-“

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2012 ⏰

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