03.A DAY OUT:)!❤️

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Tiara POV:)!

As I opened my eyes.And as I saw the time.It was exactly 4.00.My head started to ache very badly.But,I didn't wanted to miss my thahajudh prayers(midnight prayers).I quickly woke up and took wudhu and prayed the prayers.And started to ask dua.I cried my heart out.And asked Allah(swt) to fulfill all my wishes.In shaa Allah.After reciting quran for sometime.I heard the Adhan for subah.And then I prayed subah.And went to my balcony.I love this time.It seems to be so peaceful.I took a shower and choosed a white full length frock with a blue coat..and side braided my hair...And started to read a novel...And as I read the lines;

The ones I loved fly as birds in the open sky above me.
Soaring,Weaving,Calling to me to join them.I want so badly to follow them,but the sea water saturated my wings.making it impossible to lift them.

As I read these lines..from the book I choosed from the library yesterday..I heard the screams of Aami..

As I hear her scream..but I didn't speak being too interested in the novel Iam reading.

Aami:-Tiara!Tiara!What are you doing?

Tiara:-Ah!Aami di(sister)?

Aami:-Iam calling you from past few minutes..
(And the room door opens)
And she says;Ah!Thought!

Tiara:-Ugh!Without disturbing me..say me what do you want?

Aami:-Mama's calling you for the breakfast.

Tiara:-Oki..say her..Iam coming'

And as I keep my bookmark in the page I stop..I run down quickly..before hearing a scold from my mama(mom)..And there in the dining table there was my dada (father) and bhai (brother) too...And Aami was arranging the table...

I said them my salam and took my place..while they replied to my salam..

Tiara:-Naana,You said me that today Your'll take me to books store..You Aami..You too promised me that you'll be taking for shopping....

Raiyan:-Oh!Tia!..Yeah!I promised but..

Tiara:-No buts..I hate you!Aami your taking me nah?

Aami:-Tia!M sorry I'll take you tommorow..huh?

Tiara:-I hate you both..

Aami and raiyan hi-fi's.....


Raiyan:-Seriously tia...see your face..
And he starts laughing...Aami too joins him

Aami:-Oki Oki..cool down..Today is our day out..

Raiyan:-Ok then..you both get ready..while I'll speak a call and come..but come quick!

Tia:-Oki..I'll get ready

Dada:-Tia..have your breakfast first!

Tiara:-Iam not hungry!

Mama:-She's still childish..She's so fond of shopping..!

It's 4.30..And Iam in the ice cream parlor with my siblings...Iam havng my favourite flavour chocolate..And Aami is having vanilla and bhai is havng butterscotch..And Then they both was planning to go home..but,I don't want to go...because only Sunday's are free for me..I want to enjoy this day to the fullest...

Tiara:-Bhai!Bhai!..Please take me the mehendi' corner..Please!

Raiyan:-And why there?

Tiara:-One would go the mehendhi's corner to put mehendhi only..if not?

Aami:-Why are so much fonder of mehendhi..Ugh!I don't like it..

Tiara:-You don't know to enjoy life..Bhai!Please you take me there..

Raiyan:-Ok!Ok!You both first stop fighting..and then you both get into the car.I'll come.

Tiara:-Okayyyy...!!!!..Luv u bhai

Aami:-Luv u!Luv u!..(Note the sarcasm)..come on!

And your'll know what..Now we are in mehendhi' corner..And Iam here waiting for my chance to come...And in between I took my phone to check the watsap..As I haven't checked watsap from morning...Subhahanallah!..43 messages..Ya Allah!As I start to check the messages ..half was from my cousins group.."CRAZY COUSINS FOREVER"...As I read each message..A message caught my attention..it was...

Shenya:-Hey!Tommorow there's a lunch at Rahi's place..Everyone coming nah?

Rahi di:-Yeah!Everyone should be present Oki?

Hamdha Bhai :-Ah yeah!Lets enjoy tommorw..:)!

Me:-Yeah!Lets rock the day

(aftr that I was called for my chance)

Then I applied mehendhi..And then Went home..I was so tired..but,I didn't feel sleepy.So,Took out the things I brought today to see..
Umm...You know something..Iam in very love with school stationary items..so,I had brought 4 pencil packs with different cartoon characters pictures,And then 2 gel pen packs,2 normal colour pen packs,1 marker pack,8 sticky notes pack,6 highlighters with different colors,5 novels..and then..3 dresses,2 chain sets,4 bangles sets,6 earrings,3 rings...And I brought a shoe too...And some gummy bear packs,chocolates,chewingums...too..So I kept all theses in my cupboard and went to sleep..waiting for a new day to rise..!!!..In shaa Allah!


Hi readers,so Iam with my second chap...Please vote and comment..And Add this book to your reading lists...

~Keep Smiling


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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