The Race For A Kiss

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Sorry! I haven't updated in awhile. *crying noises*. I've been kinda busing, okay I'm lying. I had a little writers block, but here is the next chapter. All I'm saying is shit is going down! Not badass shit, but the drama kinda of shit. Possible love triangle? I don't knowwwww ;) Thank you for waiting for my slow updates! Stay beautiful loves! <3

(P.S. :3 Love you long time for all the reads!!)

Gavin awoke with Ray snuggled in his arms, sun reflecting off his face. "Ray." He whispered. "Ray." Gavin poked Ray. Nothing. "Ray." Gavin gently shook him. Nothing. "Bloody hell he's a heavy sleeper." Gavin mumbled to himself as he shook Ray harder. "Ray!" Gavin screamed, shoving Ray over. Ray tumbled off the bed and onto the ground. "Ow. Good morning to you to ya dick." He grumbled, getting up. "Morning Ray!" Gavin said in his sing song chipper voice. Ray just rolled his eyes at him, lightly pushing his shoulder. Gavin grinned as Ray rubbed his eyes tiredly and yawned. "What time is it anyway?" "8:25." "Gavin!" Gavin shrieked as a pillow smacked him in the face. "Ray!" He squealed, putting his arms up to defend his face. Ray threw the pillow at his head with a laugh. "Wot was that for?" "Waking me up at 8:25 in the dang morning." Gavin shrugged, wrapping his arms around the shorter man's shoulders and kissing his cheek. Ray smiled and pecked Gavin's cheek as he left to take a shower. Gavin started making pancakes happily, whistling as he worked. After a bit, Gavin heard the water turn off and light footsteps coming towards him. "Making my breakfast slave?" Ray yelled, looking in through the doorway. "Hey, I'm not your slave, unless you're into that stuff!" Gavin yelled back with a wink. Ray rolled his eyes and went to the bedroom. He came back in wearing a black shirt and tan shorts. Gavin set the table and grinned. "I made these magnificent pancakes, just for you!" "Wow, thanks." Ray dug in, shoving forkfuls of pancakes into his mouth. "Man this is good." "Chew first then talk!" Gavin teased, taking the compliment. "Sorry mom." The rest of breakfast was eaten in silence. Ray got up and cleared the dishes while Gavin got dressed and showered. He threw on white shorts and a light blue shirt. By the time Gavin was back downstairs it was 9:15. "Wanna wake Michael up?" Ray asked with a grin. "You bet!" They snuck out and to the next door. It was unlocked surprisingly and they slipped in. They crept down the hallway until they found a door that was cracked open a bit. Inside, was a sleeping Michael. Ray tiptoed to the left side, Gavin to the other. They both jumped on the bed at the same time, onto Michael. "Michael!" Ray shrieked, bouncing on his chest. "Ah! What the fuck!" Michael screamed, trying to sit up. He looked up groggily and saw two smiling faces. "You. Guys. Need. To. Go. Suck. A. Dick." Michael groaned, pushing Ray over. Gavin giggled, bouncing up and down. "Morning Mi-Coo!" Michael groaned, rolling over and pulling the sheets over his head. "Michaaaaaaellllllll." Ray dragged his name out, pulling at the covers. "Let me sleeeeeep!" "Nah. That would be too nice." Michael muttered something under his breath before sitting up and rubbing his tired eyes. "What do you guys want?" Ray laughed. "Well, we aren't quite sure what to do." Michael sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. "Anything you want. Make yourselves at home. Now get the fuck outta my room so I can get dressed." Michael shooed them out and shut the door. "Soooo now what?" Gavin asked, glancing at Ray. "Uhh not quite sure, the gaming room?" Gavin's face lit up and he nodded eagerly. "Okay, race you there." Ray said. "Okay....lets make a bet. Whoever loses has kiss Michael!" Gavin said with a grin. Ray's eyes widened. "Really dude?" "What you scared?" Gavin asked, flapping his arms like a chicken. "No! You're on! Have fun getting the shit kicked out of you when you try and kiss Michael!" Ray said with a sly grin. "You'll be eating those words Narvaez." "We shall see." "Ready?" "Yup." "3. 2. 1. GO!" Gavin yelled and they both took off down the halls, yelling at one another. Michael, who had heard it from behind the wall, laughed. "A kiss from Gavin or Ray? It must be my lucky day!" Everyone knew Michael was gay, well, probably everyone but the two idiots racing over him. Michael knew they were in a relationship, but the chance to kiss one of the two attractive guys? Not a chance he was passing this up. "I kinda hope Ray loses." Michael muttered to himself, a small smile on his lips.

"Gavin! That's cheating!" Ray screamed, pulling himself off the ground from where Gavin had tripped him. "Alls fair in love and war!" Gavin called back with a laugh. "That stupid fucker." Ray grumbled, taking off after Gavin who had a lead. Ray whined as Gavin burst into the room, doing a victory dance. "I win! I'm the best! I'm -Ow!" Gavin glared at Ray who had thrown a pillow at his head. Ray flopped down onto the empty couch, pouting. "Michael is gonna kill you!" Gavin sang happily as he laid down next to Ray. "I'm too young and beautiful to die!" Ray said dramatically, clutching his heart. "Okay, here's the deal. When Michael walks in, you have to go over and kiss him, on the lips." Gavin said with a smile. "If I get smacked, I'm blaming everything on you!" Ray said with a laugh. "Whateverrrr." Gavin said in a sing song voice, anxiously watching the door. They were the only ones up, not including Michael, so when Gavin heard footsteps, he grinned. "Hear that Ray? Death is coming." "Well, he's probably a better kisser than you." Ray grumbled. "Excuse me mister?" "I said he's probably the worst kisser ever." "Sureeeeeee." Gavin rolled his eyes and bounced on the couch. Michael walked calmly in the room. "Hey idiots." Gavin was grinning from ear to ear and nudged Ray. Ray gulped and got up, walking over to Michael. "Hey Michael?" "Hm?" Michael said, looking at him as Ray captured his lips in a kiss. It was supposed to be a quick peck, but Ray made a little noise when Michael deepened the kiss. When they finally pulled apart, Gavin face was pure shock. "You, I, But, what?" Ray fumbled on his words and Michael just smiled. "You kissed my boyfriend!" Gavin said, more in shock then rage. "Well, maybe you should keep him in line. He's a great kisser by the way." Michael said with a smug grin, looking at Gavin. "But, I, Uh, Huh?" Gavin said in shock. "Close your mouth, you're gonna catch flies." Michael said with a laugh. Ray stood staring at Michael. "You....don't want to kill me for kissing you?" Michael laughed, shaking his head. "Nope, why would I? I'm gay, you're hot, and you have a boyfriend. Why not use my only opportunity while I have it, right?" Michael said, winking at Ray. He blushed, looking at Gavin. "Oi! He's my boyfriend!" "I know, and a great kisser." "Boyfriend." "Amazing lips." "My. Boyfriend." "So soft and kissable." "I'M RIGHT HERE!" Ray yelled. They both looked at him. "Look uh, it's great to have two attractive guys fight over me, but we need to work this out, okay?" Gavin seemed jealous when Ray said it was a good kiss. "Look Michael, Ray and I are an item." Gavin said, glaring at him. "I know. Sucks though." Michael said with a suggestive wink to Ray. Ray sighed and rubbed his temples, groaning. "Will you two stop it? I'm getting a headache. You two figure it out while I get some aspirin." Ray grumbled, leaving the room. Gavin glared at Michael, seeing the same face glaring back at him. "Let us work this out, shall we?"

DUN DUN DUN! Okay, that was like the worst cliffhanger ever...but I mean, YOLO, RIGHT? XD I crack myself up! Never mind. Hope you ladies and lads enjoyed! Hopefully I will update soon! Stay absolutely fabulous and until next time, here's a cookie! 🍪<3

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