Touma and Tsubaki

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The title is such an unbelievable duo isn't it~?

So we know that Tsubaki's name is "Who Is Coming". It's the kind of naming on par with "Sleepy Ash", "Old Child", and Tsubaki is a given name.

Now the question is, who is the Eve?

There are many theories floating around about Tsubaki's Eve. Whether he'll be Mahiru, or it was Sensei.

But if it were Sensei, Tsubaki wouldn't have remembered the name, as he was already killed by Kuro, and the name won't last. If Sensei had been Tsubaki's eve then Tsubaki would have been their when Kuro killed him.

There are certainly theories that Mahiru will be an Eve with two Servamps. It was backed up by how it was said to be impossible to be the Servamp of two Eves.

Or perhaps the eve is someone that we haven't met yet, that's always a possibility.

But seeing how tsubakis subclass have a tendency to start fights and/or kill off other subclass and release more djinn just as touma wants it could possibly be a character that has shown up a minimal amount of time.

We all know now that this character plans to create a new Servamp, a variation on Servamps that is stronger and more obedient. But perhaps he already has a Servamp, we have been told before that tsubaki did stay in C3 for a while as a prisoner and that he had escaped...but what if he didn't escape? What if he had been freed after a contract was made.

Being freed due to a contract is certainly believable and it can only be assumed that someone as high up as Touma could see the possibilities of having a Servamp. Especially after seeing Jeje and Mikuni at work in C3 before. So it is a theory which has not been proved yet.

Is that Touma is the eve of Tsubaki~! A cruel and heartless character corrupting the youngest Servamp brother for his own personal gain!

Of course this brings up thoughts of the distance limit as well, this means Touma would have to always be near where tsubaki is, wether that be at C3 or at the hotel tsubaki has, the distance limit is always present.

It's also possible that Mikuni May be in possession of a second Servamp. It's been seen in some of the more recent manga chapters that he is helping tsubaki. It hasn't been proven yet on why Mikuni May be helping Tsubaki.

For now though we will focus on Touma and Tsubaki. The connections between their plans are clear to see. Both benefit from the release of djinn into the world. One can use this releases power to gain strength and the other can use it to craft a Servamp.

Though if Touma already has a Servamp then why try to create another one? Well we've all seen how Tsurugi acts, he is completely loyal and obedient to Touma, and Touma has complete control over him at times. The answer is clear, Touma can not control Tsubaki as he wants, he requires an obedient Servamp, an empty husk that he has power over.

In recent chapters of the manga the distance limit has once again come up and it in fact allows for the possibility of an eve far from his or her Servamp.

Tsubaki himself explains how the distance limit increases with each sibling

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Tsubaki himself explains how the distance limit increases with each sibling. This means it is possible for him to hold a contract with someone across the city from him. We don't know what the distance limit is so for now we could assume that the max distance is maybe half or an entire city.

We know that Touma was not present for a while and we don't know where he had been during that time but it's possible that as long as he remained within the city then he could hold a contract with Tsubaki and keep himself safe within the distance limit.

We know it is possible for a Servamp to create a false contract as shown with the Servamp of Pride but assuming that Touma has been using Tsubaki then he would be to smart to have a false contract formed. It is entirely possible that a contract has been formed between Touma and Tsubaki.

While there is no proof that Tsubaki does hold a contract to an eve, it is a very likely scenario. It's been shown before that a servamps power increases when contracted to an eve. This may be what Tsubaki has been using to fight his siblings. His strength far surpasses most of his brothers and sister. He also holds a name other than her given Servamp name. Until a reason has been given for the name then is can be assumed that the name is given due to a contract with an eve.

This is just a theory and while it is highly probable that Tsubaki may have an Eve it has yet to be proven that he does and if he does we don't know who it might be.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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