First Meeting

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A/N : I've decided to upload the chapters I left in my drafts. This was written when I was 14, just a heads up.
P.s. Aaliyah In story isn't going to be characterised as the famous celebrity she was, rather as someone trying to make it in the industry so yah.


The breath was knocked out Aaliyah's lungs as she was pushed around by the overly excited crowd . The screams all around her caused her head to spin and cloud up, it was however too late to just up and leave especially after her friend had spent a good amount of her savings from the last few months on getting them access to this concert, dragging Aaliyah along to avoid having to go by herself. It could barely even be considered a concert ,it was more of a party, only with high profile celebrities making an appearance and sparing all the fans and groupies a few performances to keep them all happy.

She didn't mean to be so pessimistic, it was just that the energy surrounding these big shots just seemed so fake and pretentious. She wasn't one to judge so easily however, knowing first hand how it is to experience that.
"you just need to relax and enjoy the night" Aaliyah repeated to herself once again before gracing her face with a smile of confidence and made her way towards her friend Jasmine who was talking to some people she didn't recognise.

The next hour or so went well and Aaliyah found herself enjoying the night, all the performers had been up on the stage including the most awaited Tupac Shakur - the man of the night. Aaliyah stuck to following her friend for the rest of the night as she wasn't familiar in such settings, and would probably get lost or end up with the wrong crowd, possibly even both at the same time.

Aaliyah's pov

I had to do a double take when I saw him, the Tupac Shakur walking up to towards me, or rather the general group of people I was surrounded by. He began talking and flashing that perfect smile of his.
Now I'm not one of his crazy fans or anything, but I had to admit that he was definitely easy on the eyes and I admired him to some extent. He had made it, made a career for himself and was now easily referred to as one of the best rappers of our time. I also had aspirations for a similar sort of thing, only with singing.

I wanted to be a famous singer, to make a difference with my music , to show everyone what I'm capable of and mostly to create a brighter for a future for myself and those who I love.
I was suddenly interrupted while getting lost in my own thoughts once again by Jasmine nudging my arm and motioning towards Tupac.
I looked up at him and met his eyes.
Our gazes lingered on one another longer than I anticipated and eventually the eye contact became awkward causing me to tear my eyes away first and let out a nervous laugh.

I let my eyes flitter towards him once again and found him still looking my way with a smirk. I suddenly felt hot and was completely sure that my cheeks had flared up to a deep shade of red by now.
Surprisingly he made no effort to speak to me, which I have to admit was a little disappointing and A part of me tried to to convince myself that I didn't care for such pretentious beings even though my original views had been slightly swayed upon witnessing how he interacted with everyone around him, as if they were equal to him in status.

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all

A/N: sorry for a crappy chapter, as I said I'm posting what has been in my drafts for an embarrassing 6 years 🙃. I don't even think I knew what I was doing but it's whatever.
This is unedited of now

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