New people in the neighborhood pt 2

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Alex ran up to me and said "wow I didn't no you could fight)

"Yep no one can't catch these hands (Alej)

What hands (Carlos)

Don't  make me bitch your skinny ass chopstick looking head ass (Alej)

Well I'm not fucking scared bitch cause you small asf 5ft 2 inches looking head ass (Carlos)

Alejandra swung her hand almost punching Carlos but then she realize that fighting is not gonna solve every problem being bad with piercing what have I turned into a monster so after like i was saying I almost swung at Carlos I fell in broke into tears Alex came over by my side and

he said are you ok


I left running in the house I went to sleep

*next morning *

I woke up my mom gave me 500$ to get a makeover  I took off every piercings except my ears, and belly
I did my make up as every girl does nowadays and wore rip jeans  and a crop top I also I curled my hair
I looked nice and put on my vans I walked outside and felt like a new person Alex was outside with his little brother Henry he I was walking to forget about yesterday Alex came up to me

Hey Alejandra wanna hang with us and woah you looked so beautiful (Alex)

Thanks Alex but there's really no need to... (Alej)

Alex kissed Alej

I am so sorry (Alex)

No I liked it its so fine (Alej)

Wait wanna be on my live (Alex)

Ofc I would love to  (Alej)

We did the live and his baby brother is cute I gotta Amit he kept looking at mean and be awkward and shy he's is so cute he reminds me of Alex but way much cuter after words I went home changed into my pjs and went to bed

Sorry this was short and crappy but I was busy lately so sorry for the late update so you'll probably see slower updates


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