Chapter Fourteen

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I rocked JJ’s car seat as the game came to an end. 42 – 6. We kicked butt! Tucker shook the hands of the other team before coming over to me kissing my head. “Are you riding back on the bus with us?” I nodded putting my head on his padded shoulder. “Tired baby?” I nodded smiling at him as he took my hand. Uncle Caleb patted my shoulder as Sarah walked over to take JJ home.

“You’re going over to Tucker’s right, Sweetheart?” I nodded putting the papers I had on my lap back into the notebook. “You coming over soon, Butt face?” Sarah smiled over to Uncle Caleb as he came over.

“Sure, sure whatever Sis.” He smiled as I handed him the book. “Thanks kid.”

“You look beat Sweetheart? You weren’t even playing.” Sarah laughed taking JJ out of the seat.

“Yeah just sitting in this heat.” I shook my head as Tucker passed me his water bottle. I took a long sip before leaning back into him.

“Come on kids we should be getting on the bus.” We got up. I hugged Sarah bidding her goodnight. I took Tucker’s hand as he led me to the bus. He pulled off his padding in putting it on one of the seats across from us. He laid down on the seat and I crawled onto him lying on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me so I didn’t fall as he moved up to lean against the side of the bus. I snuggled into him as he rubbed at my back.

“You’re going to get dirty Baby.” He smiled at me as I curled my legs up.

“Then we’ll just have to take a shower.” I smiled opening my eyes to look at him. He wiggled his eyebrows at me as I rolled my eyes at him.

“Is that all you think of?” I asked him sighing as I was jerked as the bus moved. Tucker held me tighter.

“Shower sex? Oh no. Just sex with you.” He smiled kissing me. “I do love you.” I wrinkled my nose at the smell of his shirt. “Told you.” He smirked kissing my head.

“Save water, shower with me.” I smiled up at him as I moved hand down his chest. He shuddered taking my hand in his moving it away from where it was going. I giggled at him as he kissed my hand.

“Not now. Don’t make it hard for me to walk.” I smiled at him as he took a deep breath. “Not cool baby. Not cool.” I snuggled closer to him as the bus pulled into the school. I sat up as the bus came to a stop.

“. I’ll see you all on Monday. Now, everyone get off.” I got up taking Tucker’s pads as I went. Uncle Caleb patted my back as I got off. I threw the pads in the back of the Jeep as Tucker got off the bus unlocking the car.

“Ready to go?” I nodded getting into the Jeep. He shook his head at me throwing his bag into the back. “Little demon you are. I had to wait a little bit for it to go down.” I giggled at him plugging in my phone to the radio.

“I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” I smiled at him as he pulled out of the school parking lot. I smiled as the songs played as Tucker took my hand driving back to his place.

“We got to have a date soon baby.” He said looking at me. “I miss my alone time with you.”

“We have alone time all the time.”

“I know but I want you and me to have a date like the first one we had. Dinner, a movie, a little bit of fun after.” He wiggled his eyebrow at me. “Don’t you miss that?” I looked at him.

“Of course I miss it. But we’ve had so much going on right now.” He pulled up to his house before turning to me.

“Then plan something with me Baby! Let’s have a date. A moon light picnic or a candle lit dinner?” I looked at him smiling.

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