Chapter 7

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I don't even have a second to wonder what they're going to do to us. They just go straight into it. The Ruler turns and stops at each of our tubes, then listens to the crowd's cheers. It feels so childish for something that's going to cause our deaths.  He's passed both Jay and Olive, and neither of theirs compared to Benjamin. I feel terrible for him. Jessica has passed out in her container next to his, so only a couple cruel aliens cheer. 

He stops at mine. I want more than anything to punch the glass or swear at him, but I don't want to encourage them. All I can do is glare. My heart races as the cheers get louder and louder, but they never get louder than Benjamin's. I feel like a hole is left in my stomach, guilt drilling deep into me. I feel awful for actually hoping I would be safe over him. Over anybody here, for that matter. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. This game of theirs has already turned us against each other. 

I can't help but feel compelled to step forward, to offer myself to keep them safe, but that wouldn't do a thing. After all, only one can go home. Every human here wants to be that one, friends or not. 

He stops at Raina. My heart skips. Their cheers are slowly getting louder. No, I think. Not her. Anyone but her. I start pounding on the glass. They can't do this. 

Her cheers never get louder than Benjamin's. I can't sigh with relief, but I can feel glad knowing that she's safe. For now, anyway.

I'm tossed against the wall as the tube starts falling. I get jolted around, and at one point almost hit the ceiling. I have no idea where I'm going until the tube stops. The rest of the humans are lined up from my left and right. We are in a big black box, with three walls, and one giant window. 

They've given us front row seats to our future. 

Benjamin is pulled out of his tube in the middle of the arena and tossed to the sandy ground by a couple of aliens. He's shaking from head to toe. What are they going to do to him? I think. Then a roar echoes, and I know exactly what they're going to do to him. 

The aliens drop a spear on the ground right in front of him, and he gets on his hands and knees. They walk away, to a pair of giant doors. He hardly has time to think before they pull the doors open, letting the beast loose. The monster bursts out of the doors before they're completely open. It storms around and howls, enraged.

The lizard is even scarier in the light. It's skin is black, with blue undertones, and a navy blue stomach. It has razor-sharp scales that trail down it's back, tail and arms. It also has large, manacing horns, and sharp claws on each foot. It looks almost like a dragon without wings. 

Bailey pushes himself to his feet, falling a few times. He snatches up the spear and backs away, running into the closed tube. The aliens step onto a platform that lifts them away, leaving Benjamin all alone.

"Come on, Benjamin," Michael shouts. "You can do this!"

I want to cheer him on, too, but I can't. I can't join in with the voices of the crowd, and sound like I'm one of them, excited to see this boy get killed.

What is his family thinking right now? Do they think he's dead or kidnapped? Do they think he ran off, and they don't know why? Whatever they're thinking, it's definitely not this. If he dies, they will never know the truth. If he lives, they won't believe him. Who could believe this?

I look into the crowd. Mostly what I see is the same; blue skin, reptillian scales, snake-like eyes. I feel chills run down my spine when I see small aliens. They brought their children along to watch us die, like it's a family event

The lizard stalks toward Benjamin slowly, and Benjamin backs away. He snaps at him a few times, like he's toying with him, making him jump backwards. I want to look away, but I can't.

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