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About 10:30 pm

My phone ringed..my phone usually never rings this late. I picked it up to see my brother face on the screen. I looked at it confused. Why would Alijah be calling me this late. I picked it up.
Wassup bro bro what you doing tonight
Nothing I'm just chillen what's up with you why you calling me this late something wrong?
Nah man nah I just wanted to see if we could hangout tonight.
I can't man. Lauryn really close to her due date now and I just want to be there ya know
Awh man come on now it's probably gas like always just one night man come on.
I can't I got to stay home
Where lauryn at? Put me on speaker and put lauryn on the phone
I walked into the bedroom and saw lauryn watching some reality show
Hey babe Alijah wants to talk to you.
Oh hey alijah..it's late what you doing up ain't it past your bedtime
Haha you real funny lauryn but how you doing
I'm good what's the trick up your sleeve I know you boy don't play what you want?
Daaaamn you catch on quick but I wanna know can the child come to spend time with me . You know some family time.
Where y'all going I wanna go.
No no it's going to be just me and Elijah tonight I won't have him out late I promise.
Nobody ever want to take me nowhere ..y'all don't want to be seen with the fat lady huh..it's ok
Nahh it's not even like that your a beautiful women with a big head child growing in there
😂😂 my baby head is not big don't be hating
You know I'm kidding around but for real can he come?

Lauryn too a big sigh before saying yes and saying she's going to sleep anyways. I'd rather be home with the two people I love most but I haven't spent much time with alijah like that so I figured it was good to go. I got dressed casually because alijah didn't actually tell me where we was going. I got to the door and kissed Lauryn and her belly goodbye. Alijah picked me up in his car and took off.

I picked up Elijah and headed out of town. There was a new club that was having a grand opening plus I knew the owner so I knew I could get in easily, I just wanted to scope the place out.


I waited 5 minutes as I was planned to do then headed to the front door. Elijah and Lauryn lived in a higher up community then I did growing up so there was always someone watching but I made sure I was extra careful. I knocked on the door. I could hear lauryn yelling. "YOU MUSTVE FORGOTTEN YOUR KEYS". She opened the door and looked at me and tried to close it back but I managed to get inside.
"What are you doing here bryson? How did you even find me?" I told her as I walked closer to her you ask so many questions calm down. I'm not going to hurt you relax. I just wanted to check up on you..you are due any day now right? I smiled at her she kept backing up . I genuinely wanted to know how she was doing after all she's carrying my baby. She was upset and began to yell "YOU DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN I WANT YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE". I got upset and began to raise my voice coming even closer toward her "WHO YOU THINK YOU TALKING TO? Huh!? I could see she got scared and backed up more and more but I got closer and closer. I'm trying to be nice but you always want to make me seem like the bad guy.

My brother took me to this new club that was downtown. I usually never go downtown unless it's in the morning because at night is when things get hectic and things happen. He told me he knew the owner and that we got a V.I.P special.
When I was in college I always had the V.I.P special but I wanted to see what made this one so much different. I've been stressed lately with work and with Lauryn but I wouldn't trade it for the world I love what I do and I love petting to Lauryn she means everything to me.

It took awhile before I could get Elijah to chill out and stop worrying about lauryn and to not even call to check in. After a few shots in there was no turning back. It's been awhile since I've seen Elijah super wasted. And honestly I miss it and never felt better. The more fun we was having and making memories the more I began to understand why people loved his so much but not just him me as well.

Haaaahahahaa i haven't been this drunk since i don't know when but I'm having the time of my life right now. Alijah is really the best brother I could ever have. I was having so much fun then something made me think to call Lauryn. By the time I got to her contact name I passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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