chapter 13

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Rose p.o.v
Well I can't wait to meet Callum. I put on my mulholland drive shirt  and Black pants with my black shoes. I love being a vampire but there a lot of things I can't do like go out in the sun and put on makeup on with a mirror. I want downstairs to the makeup artist. Yes we have a makeup artist here. Well I was only one down there. I ask her to do a natural look. I wish I could be with my boyfriend right now. I would try to meet him every night at our house before I got turned. I do miss being a vampire and being with him. There so many thing I miss but it was better for me becoming a vampire in the end. I want back to my room and saw that Jack was there.
Me- Hi Jack
Jack- Hi rose
Me- what are you doing in room?
Jack- I want to tell you that you are in the inner circle.
Me- thanks Jack
Jack- Nice room you have.
Me- thanks
I can't believe I'm in the inner circle and that I don't feel left out. I am very happy to be in the circle. For once I get to be in a group I want to belong in. lets just say that when I was in school. I never got be accept into a group before. I am glad to be in the group for once. 

Jack p.o.v
I called all of the  circle to meet.
I know I need to add a another girl in the circle because I could see that Summer hated the boys. I know that Summer and rose are very close friends. I had to introduced them to Rose to the Inner Circle. I mean summer would like having a girl in the circle.
Mark- so Jack what do you need us for
Me- I would like you all to meet A new member of the inner circle.
Summer- who is it
Sean- I want to meet them
Me- new the new member of the inner circle is Rose
Summer- You mean I get a another girl in the inner circle
Me- yes summer you do
I walk to were rose is. She seems to be nervous. I motioned her to come follow me. She had a worried look on her face. Summer give her a big hug.  I know it hard for Rose to be in group that she accept to be in. I know this group will make her happy.  

Summer p.o.v
After I give Rose a big hug. I want back to my room. I want to the bathroom and started the water for the shower. I let the shower warm up first. I took my clothes off and hop into the shower. I felt the water hit my body. I let go of all my stress with the boys away. I put a towel on my body and hair. I walk to my closet to pick a outfit to wear. I wore Toni inspired look. (This is what Summer wore today)

I put on my South side serpent jacket and head for the makeup artist

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I put on my South side serpent jacket and head for the makeup artist.I was so happy that I look like Toni from Riverdale. I want to Rose's room. I knock on the door. Rose answer and push me in her room fast.
Me- Hi rose
Rose- Hi
Me- I want to tell you that I'm very happy that you are in the inner circle
Rose- thanks
Me- your welcome
Rose- Now leave please
Me- why
Rose- just go
Rose push me out of her room. That wired she never push me out of her room like that. I walk to my room and ran into Sean.
Me- Hi Sean
Sean- Hi Summer
Me- I have a question
Sean- Yes
Me- Why are you wearing a crop top
Sean- This was the only thing that was clean in my closet
Me- ok  as I walk back to my room. 

Sean p.o.v
After I ran into Summer. I want to go talk to mark for a bit.
Me- hey
Mark- Hi Sean
Me- I like your room
Mark- Thanks and why are you wearing a dream daddy crop top
Me- This was the only thing that was cleaned in my closet
Mark- Ok then
Me- I see that chica wants to go outside
Mark- Do you want to come and take chica out
Me- I would love to
As me and Mark walk out in Beautiful night. I look up at the night sky. I could see my dog Gizmo playing up there. I felt a tear run down my face.
Mark- Are you ok
Me- Yeah why
Mark- You seems sad
Me- yes I'm
Mark- Do you want to talk about it
Me- Yes, I look at the night sky and saw my dog Gizmo playing up there.
Mark- I'm sorry Sean
Me- It ok.
We heard back inside with Chica. Me and Mark want back to our rooms. I pick up a picture of gizmo

 I pick up a picture of gizmo

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I will love this dog. I put it next to my coffin and went to bed.

Thanks for read this chapter and I just want to say If you don't watch jacksepticeye. His dog died this year on March 30 2018. Rip gizmo. I will see all of you dudes in the next chapter bye bye

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